Hi. How much do you charge each attendee?? What does it cost you to rent the facility?


On 4/6/2016 10:46 PM, Craig Schmaderer wrote:

This is the power panel i made. We have six of these. We dasey chain 2 panels together and connect them to 3 200amp 208v 3 phase taps. Each panel has 18 20amp breakers for a total of 108 breakers. When i took the 700 amp measurement there was probably about 450 computers on at that time. So 84kw/450= 186watts per attendee. My layout is design for 300 watts a computer with 6 computers per breaker. This gets close to 70% of 20amps. We used to trip breakers quite a lot back in the day but over the last few years power usage has dropped a lot. We are seeing more and more laptops and led monitors really have dropped power usage.

Finding a good venue is easy when you are small but when you get past 50 computers you start to have issues. We finally found a home that can handle are size. It is a 48 lane bowling center with 3 basketball courts. They have a 75k transformer that is or was used when espn would telivise a pro event. Plus the pin setters have huge transformers that have plenty of juice left. Here is a list of a few items that we go through in finding a venue.

Most important is cooling power. We use generators if we need them but cooling is the hardest thing when we have 500 computers plus people in the building.
Available power.  Try to avoid generators

Fiber internet
Being able to stay overnight
Food available over night
Enough bathrooms with 24/7 cleaning
Energy drink restrictions gamers need their "Bawls"
Table rentel
Good parking with easy access to drop of computers.
We added does the roof leak to the checklist we had a venue that would leak when it rained.

All in all i love doing it and our group has been doing it for almost 15 years. Over the last 5 years we joined lanfest and all procedes go to charity. 3 of our team is going down to Dreamhack austin in may. They are in charge of the network for 2,000 person land. I can't make it but we are already planning for the possibility of expanding it to 4,000 next year maybe.

Craig schmaderer
Skywave Wireless, Inc.

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 6:02 PM -0700, "David Milholen" <dmilho...@wletc.com <mailto:dmilho...@wletc.com>> wrote:

We played the heck out of that MOD..
I think I still have an old server still configured with it..
I was very feared when flying those choppers. Cant beat the mouse and keyboard LOL
Now its all about the HeavyMetal map on BF:Bad Company

On 4/6/2016 4:21 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
On 4/6/16 14:12, David wrote:
BF1942 and counter strike were the most popular

I spent a lot of time learning to fly in the desert combat mod. At first they laughed at me, later they feared me.



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