You might want to increase the queue limit on your 1G interfaces.

We do this on our ASR920’s:

class-map match-any cos_all
 match cos  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
policy-map MC_1G_1M
 class cos_all
  bandwidth percent 100
  queue-limit 1024000 bytes
int g0/0/0
 service-policy output MC_1G_1M

Haven’t used M3600X’s before, but it depends on what the buffer size of the 
total ports are, and probably how many ports are in use as well..


> On Apr 14, 2016, at 2:28 PM, Craig Baird <> wrote:
> I've got a Cisco ME3600X switch connected up to a pair of Cambium PTP820S 
> radios via gigabit fiber SFPs.  I'm seeing significant outdiscards, resulting 
> in lost frames on the switch on both ports going to the 820S radios.  The 
> links are not congested--generally pushing less than 100 Mbps (80 MHz 
> channels, capable of 650 Mbps).  I've got other 820S radios connected to the 
> same model switch in other places, and am not seeing this.  The only 
> difference is that this switch is fed with 10 gig fiber.  I'm wondering if 
> it's a queueing problem of some sort.  Anybody have any ideas?
> Craig

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