So far it seems like 14.1.2 for the win.

Of course it’s hard to say for sure a problem is fixed unless you first find a 
way to reliably reproduce it.

From: George Skorup 
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] 450 AP intermittently nonresponsive, doesn't happen if no 
SM sessions

Stupid things meaning SMs losing session randomly. SMs failing to register and 
getting stuck 'out of range'. APs reporting no sync when clearly there's sync 
and all SMs are still registered. Sync drifting. And then DFS/LBT madness. 
Never had an AP go MIA though.

Do you have any other Canopy radios co-located with your problem AP? On the 
same L2 segment? If you see it again, check the Layer 2 Neighbors list and see 
if your vanished AP is still spitting out LLDP messages.

You have a SyncInjector powering the AP? Does anything look different with that 
port's current consumption? Before, during, after? Compared to other radios?

Let us know if it happens again on 14.1.2. This is really interesting to me. If 
it's a software crash, then obviously the hardware watchdog should reset it... 
unless it developed a h/w issue. Cap, resistor or diode took a surge maybe? 
Like the stuck in default plug mode that the older FSK radios are infamous for.

On 7/6/2016 9:09 PM, Ken Hohhof wrote:

  Well, “stupid things start happening” seems apt.  Maybe it just didn’t cause 
a watchdog reset.  Like the stupid people who still manage to dress themselves, 
drive cars, vote, and generally defy Darwin.

  Power cycling it via the Packetflux POE would briefly bring it back, but only 
until SMs started registering.  If we logged in during that timeframe and 
changed the config so that SMs would not register, then it would stay up.

  This same AP screwed up last Sunday morning for a couple hours, 
intermittently up and down until it started working again on its own.

  From: George Skorup 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 8:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] 450 AP intermittently nonresponsive, doesn't happen if 
no SM sessions

  It could be related to the 13.x FPGA memory controller bug, but I haven't 
seen this specific problem on dozens of APs. I definitely know the memory bug 
when I see it because stupid things start happening and the AP has to be 
rebooted. But the AP becoming completely unresponsive while the ethernet 
statistics all look fine is not one of them. Anything is possible though.

  If it happens again even on 14.1.2, I would try to bounce the ethernet link 
and see if that does anything. I have seen a lot of that especially with 
MikroTik + Canopy. Fairly frequent with P9 and P10 FSK APs. Chuck's surge 
suppressors seem to add to the problem, but I can live with that.

  Also, I know that I'm getting about 20 volts at the radios on a couple 
clusters that are on ~300 feet of cable, SyncInjector fed by a 24v regulated 
power supply with the pot set at 25 volts (due to UBNT radios on shorter runs). 
The 450 APs seem to handle it fine.

  On 7/6/2016 8:15 PM, Rhys Cuff (Latrobe I.T) wrote:

    I’d also make sure you have enough power getting up the cable to drive it.




    From: Af [] On Behalf Of Ken Hohhof
    Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2016 9:34 AM
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] 450 AP intermittently nonresponsive,doesn't happen if 
no SM sessions


    OK, I just upgraded the AP to 14.1.2 and so far, so good.  SMs next.



    From: Sean Heskett 

    Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 5:08 PM


    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] 450 AP intermittently nonresponsive, doesn't happen if 
no SM sessions


    i would upgrade the AP and all SMs to 14.1.2 (it's a very stable release) 


    if it exhibits these issues once SMs start to register are you sure that 
you are not somehow creating a network loop through an SM, or some client is 
launching a DDoS and the subject of a DDoS attack?


    On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

    Does this sound like any kind of a known issue?

    I have a 450 AP that has been in service for about a year that has started 
intermittently becoming nonresponsive from the Ethernet side (can't access GUI, 
doesn't pass traffic).  I thought Ethernet problem, but neither the AP nor the 
switch shows any errors or events.  It is more like the CPU is going to sleep 
or something, but the Ethernet chip is still active.  I don't see anything in 
the Event Log though.

    We missed applying the Lite to Full license key on this AP and I thought 
maybe that was the problem since it was at 10 SMs, but I applied the license 
key and still see the problem.

    The weird thing is, if I set the Freq to None, or set the color code to 
something we don't use, the AP doesn't seem to exhibit the problem.  Only once 
SMs start registering.

    I'm thinking it's maybe a power starvation issue, that the AP uses more 
power when actively talking to SMs, and maybe it's not getting enough voltage.

    But I also see the firmware is still on, and I see Cambium finally 
released 14.1.2 official.  I am hesitant to upgrade the firmware though, unless 
there is some reason to believe what I am seeing is a firmware bug. Otherwise I 
am just adding to the confusion. 


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