
So if I understand you place a router to colo in IX for your ip space,correct?

What about capacity into your network? If you still only have access to 1Gig pipes.

Also, What is transport going to cost to increase those pipes to 10G so that you will have that added capacity into your network?

I cant get any transport lower than 8K in my area.

On 9/11/2016 3:58 PM, Cassidy B. Larson wrote:
Do you have a connection to the closest internet exchange? Usually it's cheaper to get a 10G pipe to the exchange and pick up free bandwidth from Netflix/Google/Akamai/etc rather then upgrade your upstream pipes. Plus once you're at the IX with a router/switch you could easily pick up an inexpensive upstream carrier there rather than paying for multiple big pipes back to your area. This is what we do. Saves a lot.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 11, 2016, at 14:46, TJ Trout <t...@voltbb.com <mailto:t...@voltbb.com>> wrote:

I currently have two 1g upstreams and quickly running out of capacity, how have you guys handled this in the past for those that have been through this? Do you upgrade one pipe and hope it doesn't go down? Upgrade them both to the same speed ?

Also for these two providers its super expensive for a 10g port even with 1g bandwidth, looks like I'll have to get multiple 1g pipes before it makes since to go with a single 10g port, how have you done this? Just multiple bgp sessions?

I don't understand the logic of charging so much more for a 10g interface when it's lighting the same glass?


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