For upstream circuits, we dont upgrade based on a ratio of mbps sold. We
upgrade based on utilizaton. we never want to hit over 80%.

On Oct 2, 2016 12:38 AM, "That One Guy /sarcasm" <>

> so, we hit a wall this week with lopsided providers. we hit an approximate
> 20:1 and choked. with some policy routing we took it to about a 14:1 ratio
> and got things buffered. this is upstream, i still am comfortable with
> 12-15:1 on the ap/cpe side.
> At what ratio do you decide to buy more provider bandwidth? rule of thumb,
> because we are all different. With our size, we could probably still afford
> a 1:1 on the upstream, but we would be wasting a shit ton of cash.
> Powercode sucks ass for reporting, so its a manual process to see what
> your ratio is, even though they could pop out report very easily, and I
> assume query guys already are because Powercode makes it too hard.
> I am concerned with my personal accountability on this however. Im
> normally pretty anal about monitoring for points of failure, and I
> completely dropped the ball on this, relegating some customer complaints to
> the "quit whining you little bitch" bin, assuming it wa a customer end
> issue when I should have realized we had sold too much and put it out the
> small pipe. Any advice (aside from maintaining a 1:1) for metrics to
> monitor that indicate you oversubscribe?
> --
> If you only see yourself as part of the team but you don't see your team
> as part of yourself you have already failed as part of the team.

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