On Dec 30, 2016 2:50 PM, "Ty Featherling" <> wrote:

> I have my network setup with a common bridge (bridgeWAN) setup on each
> router in an area. The backhaul in goes into this bridge and any backhauls
> to further sites do as well. OSPF sorts out the default path and the bridge
> gets them there in one IP hop. I have a major site that I am added a second
> backhaul link to the upstream direction today (Airfiber 5x multiplexer for
> the win). I am trying to figure out how to bond these two backhauls from
> bridgeWAN on router A to bridgeWAN on router B. Any way to share the load
> across those links would be great. If I just plug them in spanning tree
> shuts one down. The real kink in the works may be that they have different
> capacities. What can I do?
> -Ty

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