One thing ePMP has that 450 lacks is air-time fairness. You get that one SM running at low mod that puts a big dent in overall capacity. Hopefully they get this into 15.x.

On 1/5/2017 1:15 PM, Adam Moffett wrote:
Right....IMO the number of subscribers the thing can efficiently handle is basically irrelevant because you'll run out of capacity before you hit that number. That's probably true with a lot of stuff these days.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Josh Baird" < <>>
To: "" < <>>
Sent: 1/5/2017 2:08:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] epmp vs 450 comparison

We have ePMP AP's with 55 subs that are doing just fine. Probably won't load any more on it due to high downlink utilization during peak usage.

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 2:00 PM, Adam Moffett < <>> wrote:

    Over 20-30 subs not recommended by whom?

    When I talked to Cambium about subscriber density, they said
    they've tested with up to 120, but suggested keeping it under
    65.  I do have an ePMP AP with 43 SM's at this point, no trouble
    that I'm aware of.  It hits abou 60% air utilization at peak times.

    ------ Original Message ------
    From: "Trey Scarborough" < <>>
    To: <>
    Sent: 1/5/2017 9:21:24 AM
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] epmp vs 450 comparison

        Your biggest difference is your throughput per MHZ your epmp
        will do less bandwidth in a 20mhz channel than a 450. he
        other big difference is subscriber density. It is not
        recommended to go over 20-30 subs per AP on epmp without loss
        of performance. I regularly see 450 APs with 70+ subs per AP.
        With Medusa I have seen over 130. As far as the Medusa not
        being field proven you may not have field tested it yet, but
        I know for a fact it has been tested and running on networks
        for some time now and a viable solution.

        If you have any more questions feel free to hit me up off list.

        On 1/5/2017 7:36 AM, David Milholen wrote:

            The radios on these 2 are entirely different. One is
            using std based
            radio and the other completely proprietary.

            Since framing will be slightly different and so will
            processing delay.
            The stds based radio gets close to mimicking the

            450 series but thats strictly based on Cambium magic.
            Capacity and
            sustained rates per VC is the where you will see a

            Latency will be very consistent from ap to sub. PMP450i
            is where its at.

            On 1/4/2017 2:55 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:

                if im running 75/25, epmp is roughly 87mb capacity,
                450 93mb capacity
                is this correct?

                are efficiencies batter on 450 if installation is the
                same? ie, if I
                forlifted one AP with 17 epmps to 450, where would my
                gains be
                assuming everything stays installed in the same spot.
                Its not like the
                FCC gives 450 any more power than epmp, so path loss
                should be the same.
                Im looking at this epmp 1000 sector thats running
                overall about 64-7%
                efficient with 17 subscribers and wondering what the
                gain is to move
                to 450 (exclude medusa, as its not field proven)

                If you only see yourself as part of the team but you
                don't see your
                team as part of yourself you have already failed as
                part of the team.


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