Get one with Display port and get converter to HDMI

On Feb 17, 2017 3:37 PM, "Nate Burke" <> wrote:

> The Wife is looking for a new Desktop, She doesn't need anything fancy
> (i3, i5 is fine), but want's to have 2 monitors hooked up to it (HDMI
> Inputs)  I really don't feel like building one.  Oh, and she want's it
> cheap.  Looking at the Dell, HP, and Lenovo sites, cheap PC's are really
> easy to find, but I can't seem to find any that have dual monitor support.
> Newegg will let you filter desktops by Videocard model, but not by Output
> options.
> It seems almost all corporate offices now have dual display setups, so I'd
> imagine there should be a ton of these things on the refurb market.  Any
> ideas what I should be looking for?  I'd like to find something in the
> $200-$300 range.

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