Nice video.... Gotta love the Fluke...We have to test lines, fuses, relays,
etc and document at office and then at site before we land wires and
afterwards..We live in the sub 2 amp world.   Some fused terminals light up
when blown, others are green when good, red when bad...Gets confusing
working with different engineers who have design preference...We try to get
standards based like ISA but rarely do they consult with us.    Recent
Magnolia project they pissed away thousands of dollars trying to use 26GHz
radar sensor inside a 3 inch stillwell 35 ft long with air holes and
connection joints with turbulence and crap coming up pipe.   From day one
we said it would not work...We replaced two radars with pilot probes
designed to measure levels inside pipes and turbulence...

On Apr 24, 2017 3:37 PM, "Chuck McCown" <> wrote:

> I thought about having a Lissajou pattern on the oscilloscope and maybe
> some Theremin music playing.
> *From:* Jaime Solorza
> *Sent:* Monday, April 24, 2017 3:35 PM
> *To:* Animal Farm
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] POE Port Protection
> Nice lab coat....You need some of those cool props Dr. Frankenstein has in
> background
> 2FFrankenstein-Frankenstein-Lab-2.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%
> movie-prop-Frankenstein-1931-YP8157.html&docid=pr9N3jgxb3O9IM&tbnid=
> WGAEE8ZEqeAy1M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjn7cP5hb7TAhWG2YMKHZbH
> B3AQMwg8KA4wDg..i&w=600&h=450&bih=567&biw=360&q=
> frankenstein%20lab%20props&ved=0ahUKEwjn7cP5hb7TAhWG2YMKHZbHB
> 3AQMwg8KA4wDg&iact=mrc&uact=8
> On Apr 24, 2017 2:35 PM, "Chuck McCown" <> wrote:
>> It is done.  Not in production but beta units are available.

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