The zone around primary conductors that you have to keep out of.  Rule of thumb 
is 10 feet, but there are legal specs.  Actually secondary too but that is 
normally 12-18 inches.  

From: Adam Moffett 
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Avoid 'make ready' by using my own poles

This is going to be an ignorant question, but what is the clearance zone?  

------ Original Message ------
Sent: 6/23/2017 1:16:21 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Avoid 'make ready' by using my own poles

  You can’t force them to use your pole.
  Your pole cannot encroach on the clearance zone.

  You can always put your own poles in ROW that is clear from other pole lines. 
  Across the street is probably fine depending on easements.  

  You can always go underground for a span or two.  That will be less 

  From: Adam Moffett 
  Sent: Friday, June 23, 2017 11:09 AM
  Subject: [AFMUG] Avoid 'make ready' by using my own poles

  So, our most common make ready issue so far has been old poles that are 
relatively short and we can't stay the required distance from the power 
equipment and also be far enough above the existing phone line.  Sometimes we 
can use a standoff or other solutions to avoid the issue, but sometimes the 
pole needs to be replaced.  It's never less than $5,000, could be as much as 

  What I'm wondering is this:  We can get a new 35' pole for $800.  We can get 
a new 50' pole for $1500.  Is there any reason I couldn't just avoid make ready 
expense by setting our own pole instead of using theirs?  Even with guy wires, 
permit, and easements it's almost guaranteed to be less expensive.  Maybe I 
would put a 35 footer on the opposite side of the road, for example.  Or maybe 
we set the new 50 footer right next to theirs and even let them move onto our 
pole if they want to.  It seems too easy and I'm wondering if there's a catch 
I'm not thinking of.

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