unless you specifically request they exit premises, they quit.
if a company is closing at 3pm on next Tuesday, and at 230, they say fuck
it and leave without permission, they quit.
The biggest question, is did they finish their shift, if they did, they
were terminated, unless there was a person who said "finish your work"
end of the day, if they were already terminated, and the concern is
unemployment, they were already terminated and unemployment was already in
the cards don't fight it
when the potential employer calls, you know the drill, you can only confirm
or deny employment, but you can certainly address it with tone

On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 12:45 AM, Matt Hoppes <
mattli...@rivervalleyinternet.net> wrote:

> I'm curious on opinions on a scenario...
> Now, the way this plays out is somewhat like the AT&T call center from a
> few weeks ago, but ignore that...
> If an employee is told their last day is today, please complete the tasks
> assigned to you and then go on your way.....
> BUT... the employee refuses to complete any of the jobs assigned to them
> and instead immediately walks off the job telling you "find someone else to
> do those tasks, I need to go look for work".
> Did the employee get fired... or quit their job?

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