:) I love this list.

Jesse DuPont

Network Architect
email: jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
Like us! facebook.com/celeritynetworksllc

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On 12/7/17 10:49 AM, Steve Jones wrote:
I dont know, i think this is just a long con. you joined afmug back in the day just to build a credible profile to get free 40 dollar bills, youve used some russian interference technology to fill all the sfmug users news feeds with BC fake news, and have an army of bots on social media pushing this.

Bitcoin probably doesnt even exist

Im on to you

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Jesse DuPont <jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net> wrote:
Alert, alert, danger Will Robinson...

I don't care if you use the code - I'm winning either way. Besides, the referral was a win for both parties and it's only $40 USD equivalent in BTC.

Jesse DuPont

Network Architect
email: jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
Like us! facebook.com/celeritynetworksllc

Like us! facebook.com/celeritybroadband

On 12/7/17 10:39 AM, Steve Jones wrote:
is stuff like that whats pushing it at this pace?
can you imagine how much youll bank if half afmug uses your code?
are you a russian bot??
fake news, fake news

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 11:34 AM, Jesse DuPont <jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net> wrote:
You guys should check out aitrader.us. It uses a custom algorithm and GDAX (coinbase) API to do auto-trading for you, based on the thresholds you set. High-level overview: it will potentially buy BTC every 4 hours, based on the moving average and your buy sensitivity setting. For selling back to USD, it looks every minute at the BTC value (compared to USD) and once it falls below your trailing stop threshold, it issues API command to trade back to USD.

So during all this, my account auto traded to BTC yesterday at 4:00 AM and it just traded back to USD today at 4:34 PM. I gained 45% and didn't have to babysit it!

Aitrader.us is $99/mo so you'd need to have a few thousand USD trading, but unless BTC has a downward moving average over mutliple weeks, you'll almost always gain because the actual BTC value doesn't matter, just the relative gains between buys and sell.

If you sign up, my referral code is BZQECIBCDOZK and we both get $40 USD put into our accounts.

Jesse DuPont

Network Architect
email: jesse.dup...@celeritycorp.net
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
Like us! facebook.com/celeritynetworksllc

Like us! facebook.com/celeritybroadband

On 12/7/17 9:36 AM, Travis Johnson wrote:
I had to jump back in this morning and now we are at $18k. :) This is nuts.


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