You're old for your age...

On Dec 8, 2017 6:06 PM, "George Skorup" <> wrote:

> Are you calling me old? I'll be 33 on Monday. Get off my lawn.
> On 12/8/2017 5:58 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
>> On 12/8/17 15:43, George Skorup wrote:
>>> My one major complaint with the lists I'm on (here, various WISPA, and
>>> NANOG) is that some people refuse to start a new thread properly. They will
>>> simply do a reply to a message in an existing thread, change the subject
>>> and may or may not even bother wiping out the body. So, in Thunderchicken
>>> at least, it keeps the original thread ID or whatever header. Which means
>>> something I might want to see gets buried in shit I don't want to see and
>>> is deleted. I see this at least every other day or two. Is it really that
>>> difficult to start a new message to af@afmug or whatever@wispa?
>> People think replying is starting a new message because clients that
>> thread properly with the References header are no longer the majority.
>> Seeing a real threaded conversation display in a mail client is totally
>> unknown to many.
>> ~Seth

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