On 1/31/18 08:46, Robert wrote:
Yep, the smartest guys in the room once again, prove they are just in
it for the $$
On 1/31/18 6:53 AM, Nate Burke wrote:
Looks like Google finally turned off Panoramio. I really liked how
you could see photos from all over the world, and as you zoomed out,
it would neatly compress them into a multi-view window. I virtually
visited many places across the globe this way. Now it's been replaced
with 'Google Maps Photos' Which is very clunky (within the GE
Interface) and has about 1/20th (or less) of the content. And as you
zoom out, it just diminishes the number of photos you can see, and, it
appears, only a single photo can be tied to a specific spot.
Can't have someone doing something better, now can we?