Don’t tell the existing clients. Quietly upgrade their speed to the new tier. I 
have did me that in the past and no one bat an eye. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 7, 2018, at 12:50 PM, Matt Hoppes <> 
> wrote:
> No. We continue to take on customers. Comcast offers a 200 which we all agree 
> most people aren’t using. Really it’s marketing more than people need it. 
> But increasing speed is lowering price. 
> 10 meg for $50
> 20 meg for $70
> Now
> So I offer 25 for $50 and 50 for $70. Now my 20meg customers downgrade to the 
> $50 plan. 
>> On Apr 7, 2018, at 15:44, Adair Winter <> wrote:
>> Increase speed, do not lower price.
>> Are you up against competition that is driving you to need to offer speeds 
>> that fast? If not, make a good comfortable upgrade for the customer and 
>> leave room to offer more later
>>> On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 2:23 PM, Matt Hoppes 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> So I'm looking at deploying 60GHz equipment, and we currently have a very 
>>> small fiber network. With the 60GHz, fiber, and even 5GHz nanopops I can 
>>> offer huge amounts of bandwidth to end users.... but I have two questions:
>>> * My wholesale bandwidth costs are dirt cheap (that's not a problem just a 
>>> statement).... so picking up the bandwidth is not an issue.
>>> * Do end users actually care if I offer them a 200-300-400Megabit plan?
>>> * I can offer extremely cheap Internet - like 200 Megabits for $100, or 
>>> maybe even $75 -- I haven't run a full business case yet. But how do I 
>>> avoid cannibalizing my existing income?
>>> "Oh! You have 200 Megabits for $75? Well then I'd like to downgrade from 
>>> your $90 for 35 Megabit plan"
>>> * Do I throw on some huge data limit? What do you do if an end-user 
>>> actually decided to use 200megabits 24x7? Sure it's fine if it's temporal 
>>> usage, but it can't be a 24 x7. Maybe throttle to half the speed if X usage?
>>> Still very much in the exploratory stage of all of this -- but working on 
>>> long term business plans.
>> -- 
>> Adair Winter
>> VP, Network Operations / Co-Owner
>> Amarillo Wireless | 806.316.5071
>> C: 806.231.7180

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