Also be aware that if you are within five miles of a towered airport you need FAA wavers for flight in that area. I talked to a controller the other day and he was not kidding in any way, dead serious about prosecuting violators to the same level as they go after laser flashers. Seems the FAA is on edge about the first aircraft to be brought down by a drone. I thought it was a small probability but the FAA seems to think otherwise..

On 4/30/18 7:17 AM, Forrest Christian (List Account) wrote:
For those of you considering using a Drone for commercial purposes, be aware you probably need a commercial drone license.  Like many other things, you probably will never get caught if the flight is for internal use, but the requirement still exists.

I'm currently slowly working on getting mine for various reasons.  Have been enjoying learning a bit more about our aeronautics system in the USA.  So far it doesn't seem like it's that difficult.

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018, 7:13 AM Dave < <>> wrote:

    We are in the market for one now.

    I was looking at the welds and mounting of that ring to hold all
    that gear. I like overkill for structural integrity. I would have more
    larger feet bolted to the tank on all angles.
    Just thinking about my poor tower guys cursing me after they
    discover what they are hooked on to.

    On 04/30/2018 12:14 AM, Steve Jones wrote:
    my contractor shot some drone pics on a site. other than the uber
    sloppy cable this doesnt look as terrible as it is. will rebuild
    it, but the drone footage and pics is crazy useful, the external
    perspective really helps getting an overall. i highly recommend
    getting drone shots


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