
Le 19 sept. 2017 11:21 PM, <> a écrit :

> Send AfrICANN mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: [AFRI-Discuss] Call for a theme for the Joint
>       AFRALO/AfrICANN Meeting at ICANN 60 Abu Dhabi (Aziz Hilali)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 22:19:45 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Aziz Hilali <>
> To: Daniel Nanghaka <>,  Barrack Otieno
>         <>
> Cc: AfrICANN Community List <>
> Subject: Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] [AFRI-Discuss] Call for a theme for
>         the Joint AFRALO/AfrICANN Meeting at ICANN 60 Abu Dhabi
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> -=- French - =-
> Le th?me ayant re?u le plus de supporters est celui de Barrack.
> Je propose la constitution d?un groupe de r?daction qui aura pour t?che la
> r?daction d'un projet d?une ?d?claration commune? ? l?attention de l'ICANN.
> Cette d?claration devra exprimer le point de vue de la communaut? africaine
> de l'ICANN sur cette th?matique de la "Protection des donn?es, sa
> r?glementation et son effet sur notre r?gion".
> Les personnes qui veulent contribuer dans la r?daction de cette
> d?claration sont pri?s d'envoyer un mail en priv? ? Sarah et moi m?me
> ?-=- English - =-
> The theme proposed by Barrack is the one that received the most
> supporters.I propose the establishment of a drafting group whose task will
> be the drafting of a "joint statement" to the attention of ICANN. This
> statement should express the point of views of the African community of
> ICANN on this subject of "Data Protection, its Regulation and its effect on
> our region".Those who wish to contribute in the drafting of this statement
> are asked to send an e-mail in private to Sarah and myself.
> Best RegardsAziz
> Le mercredi 13 septembre 2017 ? 17:25:25 UTC+1, TYokunbo Abiola via
> AFRI-Discuss <> a ?crit :
> I will like to propose the implication of new gTLD geographic names as
> pertains to Africa.
> Regards,
> Adetokunbo Abiola
> ??
> ________________________________
> From: Daniel Nanghaka <>
> To: Barrack Otieno <>
> Cc: Afri-Discuss <>; AfrICANN
> Community List <>
> Sent: Tuesday, 12 September 2017, 12:39
> Subject: Re: [AFRI-Discuss] Call for a theme for the Joint AFRALO/AfrICANN
> Meeting at ICANN 60 Abu Dhabi
> Dear All,?
> I support Barracks suggestion and also probably include Role/Impact of the
> Registration Data Service to (in) Africa - An African perspective where we
> expound more on Africa and Data Regulation regardin to Domain names and how
> are African endusers affected. What role can they play in Data protection.?
> My 2 cents to Barracks suggestions.
> Daniel??
> ?
> Daniel Nanghaka?
> ALAC Sub-Committee on Outreach and Engagement ? Co-chair from AFRALO
> ISOC Uganda Chapter?
> Tel: +256 772 898298
> On 11 September 2017 at 09:18, Barrack Otieno <>
> wrote:
> > Dear Aziz,
> >
> > I would like to propose, the effect of General Data Protection
> Regulation on Internet Commerce in Africa. It is a hot topic in ICANN and
> we might want to understand how it will affect the continent and whether
> the continent requires a similar mechanism as the Domain Name Industry
> grows.
> >
> > Best Regards
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 8:41 AM, Ars?ne Tungali <>
> wrote:
> >> Hi Aziz,
> >>
> >> Thanks for this again.?
> >>
> >> Before going any further, please kindly share any past joint
> declarations that has been drafted and sent to ICANN for reference?
> >>
> >> This may help us know what topics were covered in the declarations that
> has been sent so far.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Arsene
> >>
> >> -----------------
> >> Ars?ne Tungali,
> >>
> >> +243 993810967
> >> GPG: 523644A0
> >> Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo
> >>
> >> Sent from my iPhone (excuse typos)
> >>
> >> On Sep 10, 2017, at 11:09 PM, Aziz Hilali via AFRI-Discuss
> <afri-disc...@atlarge-lists.ic> wrote:
> >>
> >>> [French]
> >>>
> >>> Chers tous,
> >>> Comme nous l'avons fait au cours des pr?c?dentes r?unions de l'ICANN,
> nous allons organiser une r?union conjointe AFRALO/AfrICANN pour d?battre
> d?une question ou d?un sujet d'int?r?t pour notre r?gion lors de la r?union
> de l'ICANN 60 ? Abu Dhabi qui aura lieu du 28 octobre au 3 novembre 2017.
> >>> Le but de ce message est de vous demander de bien vouloir proposer un
> th?me que vous pensez ?tre le plus pertinent ? cet ?gard. Cette r?union
> aboutira ? la pr?sentation d'une ?d?claration commune? ? l?attention de
> l'ICANN.?Nous appr?cierions que la proposition de th?me soit envoy?e dans
> une semaine (avant le dimanche 17 Septembre).
> >>> Veuillez noter qu'au-del? de cette date, si nous ne recevons pas de
> proposition; la direction d?AFRALO constituera un comit? de r?daction qui
> d?cidera du th?me et proposera ? la Communaut? un projet de d?claration ?
> l?intention de l'ICANN. Cette d?claration sera discut?e ? la r?union ? Abu
> Dhabi.
> >>> Le sujet choisi devra avoir l?approbation des deux listes AfrICANN et
> AFRALO.?Il est ? noter que l'int?r?t de cette tradition est d'exprimer le
> point de vue de la communaut? africaine de l'ICANN sur les questions
> d'actualit? et d'int?r?t pour la communaut? de l'ICANN.
> >>> Cordialement
> >>> Aziz Hilali
> >>> Pr?sident d'AFRALO
> >>>
> >>> ?
> >>>
> >>> [English]
> >>>
> >>> Dear all,
> >>>
> >>> As we have done during the previous?ICANN meetings, we will be holding
> a joint AFRALO/AfrICANN meeting to discuss issues or subjects of interest
> to our region at the scheduled ICANN 60 meeting in Abu Dhabi, which takes
> place from 28 Oct - 3 Nov 2017.
> >>>
> >>> The purpose of this message therefore is to ask you to please, suggest
> a theme you think would be the most pertinent in this regard. We are also
> looking forward for presentation of a ?joint statement? to the attention of
> ICANN at the end of this meeting. We would appreciate your proposal being
> sent before Sunday 17 September.
> >>>
> >>> Please note that beyond the Sunday 17 September, if we do not receive
> any proposal; the leadership of AFRALO will constitute a drafting committee
> that will decide the theme and propose to the Community a draft statement
> to ICANN. This statement will be discussed at the meeting in Abu Dhabi.
> >>>
> >>> The subject chosen should be relevant to the interest of two
> organizations: AfrICANN and AFRALO. It should be noted that the interest of
> this tradition is to express the point of view of the African ICANN
> community on current issues of interest to the ICANN community.
> >>>
> >>> Best Regards
> >>> Aziz Hilali
> >>> AFRALO Chair
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>> ______________________________ _________________
> >>> AFRI-Discuss mailing list
> >>> afri-disc...@atlarge-lists.ica
> >>> https://atlarge-lists.icann.or g/mailman/listinfo/afri-discus s
> >>>
> >>> Homepage for the region:
> >>>
> >>> Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to
> this list are more accurate:
> a/english/emec/method_emec/ presentation.html#anexo1
> >>
> >> ______________________________ _________________
> >> AFRI-Discuss mailing list
> >> afri-disc...@atlarge-lists.ica
> >> https://atlarge-lists.icann.or g/mailman/listinfo/afri-discus s
> >>
> >> Homepage for the region:
> >>
> >> Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to
> this list are more accurate:
> a/english/emec/method_emec/ presentation.html#anexo1
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Barrack O. Otieno
> > +254721325277
> > +254733206359
> > Skype: barrack.otieno
> > PGP ID: 0x2611D86A
> > ?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ______________________________ _________________
> > AFRI-Discuss mailing list
> > AFRI-Discuss@atlarge-lists.
> > https://atlarge-lists.icann. org/mailman/listinfo/afri- discuss
> >
> > Homepage for the region:
> >
> > Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to this
> list are more accurate:
> mistica/english/emec/method_ emec/presentation.html#anexo1
> _______________________________________________
> AFRI-Discuss mailing list
> Homepage for the region:
> Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to this
> list are more accurate:
> mistica/english/emec/method_emec/presentation.html#anexo1
> _______________________________________________
> AFRI-Discuss mailing list
> Homepage for the region:
> Posting guidelines to ensure machine translations of emails sent to this
> list are more accurate: MISTICA | Virtual Community | Presentation of the
> EMEC Methodology
> |
> |
> |
> |  |  |
>  |
>  |
> |
> |  |
> MISTICA | Virtual Community | Presentation of the EMEC Methodology
> Pr?sentation g?n?ale de de la m?thodologie EMEC, exp?riment?e dans le
> cadre du projet MISTICA
>  |
>  |
>  |
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