What type of hardware substrate do you envision for the first AGI?

Many scenarios seem to envision AGI emerging in a particular computation
system, and/or perhaps in a robot or robots. Many scenarios involve the
system being connected to the Internet, as a crucial aspect.

What I tend to envision is that when an AGI first emerges, the substrate
will be millions or billions of Internet-connected devices, along with
their human operators. Not only will the collective computing power of all
these Internet-connected devices dwarf the computing power of any
particular system, but the inclusion of millions/billions of humans in the
mix may also be crucial.

The software platforms through which billions of people currently interact
-- Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. -- are (compared to what seems possible)
fairly stupid/limited, focused significantly on goals like maximizing
users' engagement/attention in order to more profitably sell their
attention to advertisers. But creating more intelligent ways of connecting
these existing biological intelligences (ourselves), to each other and to
software and information, could well help us congeal into a more effective,
coherent global mind, which would begin to have many of the capabilities
that we expect AGI will have.

Such scenarios have been envisioned by science fiction authors and others.
The salient strategy that seems to suggest itself is for AGI projects to be
structured as social media platforms. I've blogged about some of what I'd
like to see such platforms do in the early stages:
* focus on post-verbal communication, using graphics and nonverbal sounds
instead of words, pervasively and increasingly.
* focus on giving users the greatest possible control over the behavior of
their interfaces.

This can facilitate vastly more efficient cross-pollination of information
and of programming components: We'll see, in this graphical environment,
visual representations of information, including the tools that others are
using to filter/curate/manage their info-streams. We can take those tools
and plug them into our own control panels, which regulate the behavior of
our interfaces/info-streams, allowing us to more efficiently locate and
create additional information (including additional tools for info-stream
filtration/curation/management), and so on.

This strategy seems like a great way to optimize our screen time and speed
us toward optimal cultural evolution, if nothing else. And I suggest that
through it could emerge something we would feel compelled to recognize as

This is not to say that existing and future AGI projects with complex
cognitive architectures running on particular systems are misguided
strategies. It's just to say that such architectures can - and for maximum
impact, should - be deployed in an open, distributed, social media context,
contributing maximally to the creation of optimal experiences for Net users
and to the growing intelligence of the Network (all interconnected devices
and people) as a whole.


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