Recipe for jargon salad.

Two cups of computer science.
One cup mathematics.
One cup electrical engineering.
One cup neuroscience.
One half cup information theory.
Four tablespoons quantum mechanics.
Two teaspoons computational biology.
A dash of philosophy.

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Arrange into incoherent but
grammatically correct sentences. Serve to accolades of your genius.

On Sun, Sep 9, 2018, 5:11 PM Jim Bromer via AGI <>

> Consciousness computation (GI) is on the negentropic massive multi-partite
> entanglement frontier of a spontaneous morphismic awareness complexity -
> IOW on the edge of life’s consciousness based on manifestation of
> inter/intra-agent entanglement (in DNA perhaps?).
> Whoa!  I'm roiling dude. I mean, like wow. What?
> Jim Bromer
> On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 12:41 PM John Rose <> wrote:
>> How I'm thinking lately (might be totally wrong, totally obvious, and/or
>> totally annoying to some but it’s interesting):
>> Consciousness Oriented Intelligence (COI)
>> Consciousness is Universal Communications Protocol (UCP)
>> Intelligence is consciousness manifestation
>> AI is a computational consciousness
>> GI is consciousness computation
>> GI requires non-homogeneous multi-agent structure (commonly assumed),
>> with intra and inter agent communication in consciousness.
>> Consciousness computation (GI) is on the negentropic massive
>> multi-partite entanglement frontier of a spontaneous morphismic awareness
>> complexity - IOW on the edge of life’s consciousness based on manifestation
>> of inter/intra-agent entanglement (in DNA perhaps?).
>> IOW the communication protocol UCP (consciousness) is simultaneously the
>> computed, the computer, and the cross-categorical interlocuter
>> (cohomological sheaver weaver?).
>> So for AGI it's needed to artificially create consciousness in software.
>> How's that done?  Using mathematical shortcuts from the knowledge gained
>> from the collective human general intelligence and replacing the universal
>> communications protocol of consciousness mathematically and computationally.
>> And there is trend in AGI R&D that aims for this but under other names
>> and descriptions since the term consciousness has a lot of baggage but the
>> concept is morphismic (and perhaps Sheldrakedly morphic 😊).
>> My sense though says that we are going to start seeing (already maybe?)
>> evidence of massive and pervasive biological quantum entanglement, example
>> in DNA. And the entanglement might go back eons and the whole of life's
>> collective consciousness could be based on that...
>> John
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