John -

Thanks for a refreshingly new discussion for this forum. Just as you describe, it is quite interesting to see how seemingly disparate tracks can be combined and guided onto the same course. Accordingly, your presentation has brought to mind similar notions that appear to fit somewhere in your efforts. So, here are two questions for you:

1. Where do you lean regarding the measure of intelligence? - more towards that of Hutter (the ability to predict the future) or towards Winser-Gross/Freer (causal entropy - soft of a proxy for future opportunities; ref

2. Do you agree with Tegmark's position regarding consciousness? Namely, "Consciousness might feel so non-physical because it is doubly substrate independent: * Any chunk of matter can be the substrate for memory as long as it has many different stable states; * Any matter can be computronium, the substrate for computation, as long as it contains certain universal building blocks that can be combined to implement any function. NAND gates and neurons are two important examples of such universal “computational atoms.”.

If consciousness is the way information feels when being processed in certain complex ways, then it's merely the /structure of the information processing that matters, not the structure of the matter doing the information processing. //A wave can travel across the lake, even though none of its water molecules do. I//t's not the particles but the pattern that really matters./ (A Tegmark cliff notes version of can be found here:

On 09/09/2018 09:07 PM, wrote:
Basically, if you look at all of life (Earth only for this example) over the past 4.5 billion years, including all the consciousness and all that “presumed” entanglement and say that's the first general intelligence (GI) the algebraic structural dynamics on the computational edge... is computing consciousness and is correlated directly to general intelligence. They are two versions of the same thing.

So to ask why basic AI is only computational consciousness not really consciousness computation is left up the reader as an exercise :)

To clarify, my poor grammatical skills –
AI = computational consciousness = consciousness performing computation
GI = consciousness computation= consciousness being created by computation

The original key idea here though is consciousness as Universal Communications Protocol. Took me years to tie those two together. That's a very practical idea, the stuff above I'm not sure of just toying with...


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