'Kaput' birds, it's the Turtle


On 04.07.2019 05:43, Colin Hales wrote:
Hi Matt,

Excellent, I think we can progress a bit.

The columns are accurate. Let me give some more detail on the
examples. Let's just focus on flight for now. This is how the science
reality maps to the diagram for Wilbur and Orville Wright:

1) they have a goal of replicating flight, and they must acquire a
level of scientific knowledge that does not yet exist. They are
inspired by birds as a known case of real natural flight. Their
mission is artificial flight,  but in the process they'll create
abstract formalisms that capture scientific knowledge.

2) Their particular priority is replication. Other science contexts
prioritise the abstract formalisms. This is the science/engineering

3) On the right, there is numerical, paper, hand-computed exploration
of the Bernoulli equation. There is now and has always been this
computer exploration of abstract symbols, mostly tedious arithmetic,
.... Especially iterative solutions to differential equations. All by
hand on paper, for centuries... Millenia...

All that happened in the mid 20th century was that the 'computer'
job/process was automated with electronic computers. My Aunt Pat, who
recently died, was such a computer in an era where human computers
went extinct.

This is the RIGHT science activity that is the explorations of the
prediction  an abstract model (theory/model) to find out how
predictive the model is of the observed nature in the MIDDLE. The
construction of the model can originate in human thought, or it can
literally result from empirical work done in MIDDLE and on LEFT.

When theory RIGHT, and observation done on, MIDDLE/LEFT match, job
done. Publish.

3) inspired by bird (MIDDLE) wings, they built wooden/canvas wing
profiles and 'replicated natural lift physics' in a wind tunnel. This
is empirical work of the LEFT kind. It captured the lift part, not the
propulsion part, of flight the way birds do it. The essential physics
of bird flight was conserved in the wind tunnel, not the bird's way of
getting it (feathers etc).

Empirical work need not always demand literal replication of MIDDLE
physics, but if it does then as a task it is a distinct category of
work and fits on the LEFT.

In LIGO, a massive experimental apparatus was built to detect MIDDLE
naturally produced gravitational waves.

There was no replication of MIDDLE gravitational waves. If there was,
then the scientists would engineer 2 black holes and fire them at each
other, thereby replicating nature... On the LEFT.

Example: CERN and the Higgs boson.
Unlike gravitational waves, the proof of a prediction of Higgs boson a
made by theory (the standard model of particle physics, RIGHT) and
this required human- engineered Higgs bosons.  Just like everywhere
else in science, computing their way around the model is not
scientific proof that Higgs Bosons exist as the model predicted.

This time, the MIDDLE natural Higgs boson is missing.  Not impossible,
just hard to find. All the empirical work happened on the LEFT.

So they built a machine that behaved in a way they thought would make
Higgs bosons. This is on the LEFT.

Example: Fire (combustion)
This is a case where replication came first, before science even
existed! 500,000 years later, Lavoisier replicated combustion LEFT and
displaced an existing RIGHT theory (phlogiston), replacing it with
oxidation. There was no serious numerical exploration (RIGHT) work
then. But nowadays, if you create a combustion simulator, to help
design a furnace... There's a computer on the RIGHT exploring
combustion formalisms, not actual combustion.
BTW, the only reason I put a real computer substrate on the RIGHT in
every case, is because computers have automated the manual exploration
out of existence. Nobody does it by hand any more. Sorry I didn't
explain this more clearly. If it has confused anyone...sorry!

------- moving on .......

Every science context I can think of fits the LEFT/RIGHT/MIDDLE model.
They are very distinct categories and cannot be confused with each other.

In no science of a natural phenomenon (MIDDLE), ever, has the RIGHT
been accepted as or observed to be an instance of MIDDLE.

So if there is even a remote possibility of a level of real LEFT/RIGHT
equivalence, it is so unique it must be  explored in a very thorough
way so that this amazing *exception* in science is understood.

That means understanding science and being able to articulate that
understanding in a manner and at a level previously unnecessary.

The pertinent and special fact of the framework when it comes to
neuroscience of the natural brain/mind (MIDDLE), and it's involvement
with the creation of an artificial equivalent (LEFT) for the purposes
of the science is the real possibility of some level of complete
equivalence between LEFT and RIGHT - a possibility that is unique in
science and unproved.

Here, in AGI, we therefore encounter that real science possibility. We
all need to understand the conduct of science well beyond levels found
elsewhere. That is the responsibility we all have. That is part of why
I am here.

Have I expressed this clearly? Please choose any science you know of
and map it into the framework... See if you can find instructive test

E.G.....The framework is, guess what? ...   A scientific model of the
conduct of science by humans. The model itself is an example of an
empirically determined theory! RIGHT. The natural scientists (MIDDLE)
were observed and the model and the observations match ...and guess
what? Find any counterexample, and the model will need work, and I'll
be happy to see it?

And.. ...there's more .....

Q. The LEFT activity, in this self-referential application of the
model to science itself ..    is what ?

You tell me. I'm serious.



The next test case is special, too.... 'computer science'. But that
can wait.

On Thu., 4 Jul. 2019, 10:50 am Matt Mahoney, <mattmahone...@gmail.com
<mailto:mattmahone...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Colin, I think I know why nobody is getting what you are trying to
    say. It's because your diagram with the left, middle, right
    columns is wrong. Instead of (fire, burner, computer chip), (bird,
    airplane, computer chip), etc. there are only the first two
    columns. We developed burners and airplanes without using any
    computer simulation. So the correct analogy for AGI is (brain,
    computer) in the left and middle columns.

    Natural phenomena like fire and birds showed us one way to achieve
    the desired technology. But we also have electric heaters and hot
    air balloons which do not resemble anything in nature.

    What is your position on AGI research using this analogy?

    On Wed, Jul 3, 2019, 6:42 PM Colin Hales <col.ha...@gmail.com
    <mailto:col.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:


        On Thu., 4 Jul. 2019, 4:17 am Berick Cook,
        <berickc...@gmail.com <mailto:berickc...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            "assuming RIGHT is the only way to AGI, no matter how long
            it takes, and never knowing for sure it that is even
            possible or what computer resources and model-kinds are
            mandated if it was, ....is the current approach
            exceptionlessly adopted, without a discussion of the kind
            we are having."

            I wouldn't say that it is exceptionless. Many people are
            very interested in recreating the brain in some hardware

        Ok. Please cite it. I've literally been looking non stop, full
        time, for 20 years for any proposal by neuroscience /
        engineers of the kind that made neuromorphic chips, directed
        at AI. If you do find it, please let me know.

            Many believe that your LEFT is the only path to AGI.
            However, we just don't understand the physics of the brain
            well enough to recreate it yet. There is a lot more
            neuroscience that needs to be done first.

        I have done one part of it (the neuroscience). Others have
        also. US and europe. It's done to a level that can be used, or
        that can be used to continue it, but only if you do it. Most
        of the useful results happened around 2010 in mine and others.
        We understand enough to get started. But if you propose it
        you'll get exactly what you get here.

            To perform empirical science, you first have to have
            something to perform your experiments on. There is no LEFT
            system yet, and the empirical tests that have been
            performed on existing RIGHT systems don't come close to
            achieving equivalent results to the empirical tests that
            have been performed on MIDDLE. But those tests on RIGHT
            systems are being performed. The empirical science is
            happening, and RIGHT is steadily progressing forward based
            on the results of those tests.

        The work on the (e)RIGHT is not empirical science. It's
        abstract models only. The empirical work happens only in the
        middle. The work on the right might best be called
        'experimental theoretical science', .... Like computing the
        Higgs boson in the standard model is, compared to actually
        making a Higgs boson (Middle) or observing a naturally
        occurring one(left).

        I'm trying hard to get the correct categories of activity
        applied to what gets done in AGI. Exploring models with
        computers is 100% theoretical. Ensuring the results match
        empirical results does not turn (e)RIGHT into empirical work.
        It makes it good neuroscience.

            AGI is purely theoretical science at this point, because
            it doesn't yet exist in any form. If you believe that LEFT
            is the path to AGI, that's perfectly reasonable. If
            someone else believes that it can be done with RIGHT,
            that's perfectly reasonable too. But it is completely
            unreasonable to say that everyone needs to abandon RIGHT
            and focus only on LEFT, or that because RIGHT hasn't yet
            achieved MIDDLE it is impossible for RIGHT to do so.

        I never said it's the only way! I said that the right way of
        finding out how to get to AGI is to do the *complete science,
        like everywhere else.* This means using (e)LEFT as well, and
        competing the science activities as found everywhere else in
        science. It did not say you 'can't' on the left. I said that
        whether you can, on the left, is discovered by doing both left
        and right. Until then you don't know.

        The reason I am here doing this is because (e)left of the
        inorganic kind, never gets discussed or even posed as part of

        Dorian Air has posed an engineered natural tissue version for
        (e)LEFT for AGI. That's it.

        When the original silicon replacement experiment happened,
        what the replacement did was replace the neurones with a
        silicon model ((e)LEFT, omputer). It did not create a silicon

        I look forward to your citations, so I can check them. I have
        scoured libraries and the world's literature looking for any
        of it. Perhaps you have it! I'd love to see even a sign of
        anyone making an AGI artificial brain proposal that hasn't
        been a computed model neuromorphic computers are not that
        proposal, btw.
        I've redone the silicon replacement thought experiment. After
        editing and checking, I'll post the result.


            On Tue, Jul 2, 2019 at 8:08 PM Colin Hales
            <col.ha...@gmail.com <mailto:col.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                BTW, happy to keep the discussion going

                .... and many thanks to those that have engaged so
                far. You've actually been training me to defend my
                position and you've been doing a good job. And I hope
                I am being receptive enough and informative and a
                respectful way. It's not always easy when the
                frustration meter red-lines.



                On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 2:10 PM Colin Hales
                <col.ha...@gmail.com <mailto:col.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                    Hi Steve,

                    The light is flickering on? I hope so. :-)

                    I am located in Melbourne Australia (not
                    Florida!). I am literally going back to Melbourne
                    University solely to spend the rest of my
                    so-called 'career' getting this matter ironed out
                    once and for all. Facilitating the formation of
                    the corrected science of AGI has taken the place
                    of actually building the AGI. I have to end this
                    strange era. It is mission critical for AGI and
                    too important to cut loose. I never dreamed my AGI
                    idea would end beached on this strange cultural
                    sandbar. But there it is.

                    I have thought many times about doing a
                    professional-level video mini-series (cartoon/live
                    combo) aimed at teaching the material I am
                    delivering to this thread (and that I want to
                    publish to the science literature). Meanwhile I
                    want to deliver the whole text of the chip design
                    concept to the thread as a first-pass at creating
                    the material for the paper.

                    I start back at Unimelb in a few weeks. I'll be
                    asking around for facilities to create videos and
                    I'll have a better grip on a script.



                    On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 12:31 PM Steve Richfield
                    <mailto:steve.richfi...@gmail.com>> wrote:


                        I think I see the communications problem here.
                        This subject is a bit too complicated to
                        present piecemeal on a forum like this.

                        I suggest breaking it down in several videos.
                        It would be best to present this to a
                        skeptical expert.

                        Where are you located?


                        On Tue, Jul 2, 2019, 6:49 PM Colin Hales
                        <mailto:col.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                            Hi Steve,

                            I'll try and commenting in-line, if that's OK.

                            On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 7:54 AM Steve
                            Richfield <steve.richfi...@gmail.com
                            <mailto:steve.richfi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                                Matt (and Colin),

                                I would like to clarify what I think
                                is your real question:

                                Nothing complex works the first time.
                                You build it, you turn it on, it
                                doesn't work, and you start debugging it.

                                It is very close to impossible to
                                debug anything without a solid
                                understanding of how it should work,
                                though I wrote a book about how to go
                                about such things, entitled "Advanced
                                Logical Methods" available free in the
                                Library of FixLowBodyTemp.com

                                Anyway, there has been a variety of
                                neuromorphic chips made over the
                                years, and there was no unknown
                                physics with these. Have any of them
                                been made to work satisfactorily? What
                                would be the debug plan with Colin's chip?

                            Just to be clear, neuromorphic chips
                            implement of model of brain physics that
                            literally is an electrical equivalent
                            circuit that uses non-brain
                            electromagnetism within which (if the
                            model is accurate) you can measure
                            voltages qualitatively similar to those
                            found in the brain. They can be quite
                            predictive of those voltages. When used in
                            a neuroscience, they sit under (e)RIGHT as
                            a computer, and when the voltages in the
                            brain match the voltages prodcued by the
                            model, it's exactly the same process as a
                            digital computer when the digital number
                            matches nature. It is not a replication of
                            the physics that produced the voltages in
                            the brain.

                            I have specified what "DEBUGGING" looks
                            like here, and I described it in detail
                            under the previous post: TESTING FOR
                            GENERAL INTELLIGENCE IN A NORMALISED
                            SCIENCE FRAMEWORK (e)
                            Your goal is an exploration of two
                            different kinds of potential AGI
                            (equivalent to testing the substrate
                            independence hypothesis) You have a test
                            and a control. Double-blind. You
                            compare/contrast two different brains in a
                            learning context and see when models of
                            brain physics (e) RIGHT tracks (or not)
                            the original physics (e)LEFT in a learning
                            context. You can start with a single
                            'cell' and build up and compare with

                            The word DEBUGGING is a misleading word,
                            in context. This is empirical science.
                            There are two kinds of scientist involved
                            only one of them is 'programming a
                            computer'. One build the (e)RIGHT brain
                            (model-based, in this case a neuromorphic
                            chip) and (e)LEFT brain (brain-physics
                            based, any physics, not just my preference
                            but anyone exploring any possibly
                            essential brain physics). You are
                            exploring similarities and differences,
                            not 'BUGs'. The word BUG assumes you
                            already have an expectation of what is
                            right. In this context you do not know.
                            You are exploring to let nature inform you.

                            If this were the CERN collider, (e)LEFT is
                            the collider, (e)RIGHT is the standard
                            particle model.

                            The only strangeness here is that we have
                            the unique privilege of testing for the
                            only place in science where (e)LEFT and
                            (e)RIGHT might literally be indistinguishable.

                                The GREAT barrier I see are "field
                                effects" other than those Colin has
                                considered. My own favorite is the
                                variable conductivity within a neural
                                tube. If a tube abruptly goes from
                                conductive to insulator at it's inner
                                circumference then the Hall effect
                                would be minimal. However, if there is
                                a region of increasing resistance at
                                the outside of the conductive region,
                                then there would be a major inhibiting
                                effect from even tiny nearby magnetic

                                Remember, fields drop off as inverse
                                linear rather than inverse square from
                                long wire radiators, so interneuronal
                                field communication is MUCH easier
                                than it might first appear.

                                I suspect there are lots of such
                                things, and they don't all scale the
                                same as size changes.

                                Further, some things might be VERY
                                sensitive, like our own sodium levels
                                where we can become VERY sick if they
                                are a little "off".

                                I suspect Colin is trying to skip some
                                important steps between where head is
                                at now and new hardware - like simulation.

                            The normalised science framework /does
                            accommodate simulation/: Indeed it is
                            mandated. That is literally (e)RIGHT. The
                            compter exploration of a model of nature.
                            I have never tried to skip anything. What
                            I am trying to do get get the science to
                            /stop skipping the empirical work
                            (e)LEFT/. And my choice or anyone else's
                            choice of the physics in (e)LEFT is
                            irrelevant to the argument. It's the
                            process of doing the science to find out
                            which physics is essential and which
                            isn't. Anyone can dig out their pet
                            physics like 'microtubule quantum boson
                            X', and if such a thing is
                            empricially proved essential under
                            (e)LEFT, in the above testing context, by
                            literally putting that identical quantum
                            mechanics on the chip, then and only then
                            do you get to know something about what an
                            AGI can be made of. You get to compare
                            this with (e)RIGHT, a computed model of
                            the physics including "microtubule quantum
                            boson X". Yes it might even involve sloppy
                            electrolytes. It may even entail
                            engineered natural tissue. Anything goes

                            It's the fundamental categorization of the
                            activity in science that is being
                            recognised here, not a specific preference
                            for a design of an artificial brain.

                            /The framework does not skip anything/.
                            It's the reverse, the science currently
                            skips all (e)LEFT activity. There is no
                            evidence anywhere of anyone even proposing
                            it, let alone doing it. This is a provable
                            fact of the science conduct.

                            This repair to the science conduct is 100%
                            agnostic to anyone's proposal for the
                            conserved brain physics in (e)LEFT. The
                            figure above it created to accommodate my
                            preferences. It is simply the normal
                            science framework correctly presented with
                            my proposition positioned accurately
                            within it (e)LEFT, and the existing
                            approaches also accurately placed in
                            (e)RIGHT, just like everywhere else in

                                Maybe there is a highschool science
                                fair level demo and early debug
                                prototype - like large models of
                                several neurons in a fish tank full of
                                salt water - in effect an electrolytic
                                computer like I mentioned in an
                                earlier posting?

                                Anyway, I see Colin's field theory
                                concept, but Colin needs to see a lot
                                more, including a clear path through
                                design and debugging, before we can
                                really discuss this.

                                So, Colin, having read this, it is
                                back to Matt's question, like how do
                                you hope and expect this to work?

                                Thanks both of you for your
                                persistence here.


                            I already delivered exactly this days ago.
                            You have it all.

                            I still seem to be unable to get the
                            fundamental message across: that AGI can
                            and will only arise and be proved when its
                            science is properly populated with all the
                            activities normally associated with
                            science (as depicted in the LEFT, MIDDLE &
                            RIGHT above). If this one science
                            ultimately gets to completely abandon
                            brain physics (and all empirical work
                            involving it), then the practitioners must
                            empirically prove this as a possibility,
                            not assume it is possible. You have to
                            deal with the brain physics first. It's
                            the only proved natural general
                            intelligence exemplar. If this was
                            'flight', then the exemplar would be the
                            natural bird. The brain is our bird. You
                            examine the physics of the bird for the
                            origins of flight because its your proved
                            natural case.

                            *Brutal fact: The science of AGI to date
                            has been conducted under (e)RIGHT by a
                            community that assumes the truth of a
                            hypothesis that is only proved by doing
                            something that community never does, has
                            never done, and doesn't (apparently) have
                            any awareness that it is normal science
                            practice everywhere else in science. This
                            whole thing is a cultural blind-spot, a
                            historical accident. Everybody in it is
                            wearing these glasses and seems to be
                            unable to take the glasses off. *
                            In the above, I'm showing you the
                            CERN-collider experiment of AGI. If you
                            really want AGI and whatever dreams are
                            fulfilled by it ....those dreams currently
                            have been 100% bet on an assumption that
                            isn't proved, whose empirical proof isn't
                            even thought about, and that constitutes a
                            unique, unjustified lack of empirical
                            science. Only here in AGI. Nowhere else in
                            science. The AGI enterprise is critically
                            dependent on getting the science right,
                            and throwing $Billions at a project based
                            on an assumption never proved or even
                            tested properly. And if that assumption
                            proved true, it would be /unique in
                            science. A proof that demands maximal
                            empirical scientific acuity, not none./ I
                            am trying to help you all understand that
                            and how incredibly, hypercritically
                            important it is to the fate of the AGI
                            enterprise. And I am doing it while
                            watching everyone in AGI inhabit a
                            blizzard of ongoing evidence predicable,
                            stereotypical, industrialised
                            under-performance whose explanation lies
                            in the science I am saying has not been done!

                            and boy, is it hard work being the
                            messenger bearing the news!  I hope I am
                            getting closer. :-) Patience to death and


            Berick Cook
            Independent Developer
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