Huffman coding\n for data compression.
    nibble system

                                        /     \
                                       0     /  \   1                        
                                             /      \                           
                                          /           \  
                                     10               \    11   
                                                       /  \                     
                                                     /      \                   
                                                  /           \  
                                            110            1 11       

DNA id s nibble base number system. 

 000 could be A

So could be the following for now:
00 =A

 So if we had a saved file of randomly generated nibble and the average amount 
of A's,
B's, C's, and D's are all in equal amounts then randomation is perfect and 
there is no
repeating pattern and clumping.  

 Nibble is a two digit seed
3:28 minutes into the video:

 A completely random nibble file would have only seed sequences of:

abcd abdc acbd acdb adbc adcb
bacd badc bcbd bcdb bdac bdca
cabd cadb cbad cbda cdab cdba
dabc dabc dbcd dbdc dcab dcba  

 or  24 seeds which means complete chaos and maximum. Which is a five bit value.
 So A chaos algorithm be used to get even more compression.
 Example abcd is eight bit in size.

 If Huffman coding is used again the file would get bigger. 

 Eight bit would turn into eleven bit seed value. 

 If the file was very compressible then it would have a lot of seed fragment:

ab ac ad
ba bc bd
ca cb cd
da db dc                      12

abc acb abd adb acd adc
bac bca bad bda bcd bdc
cab cba cad cda cbd cdb
dab dba dac dca dbc dcb        24

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