We might go through a phase where our minds occupy the minds of robots, remote 
control, before we get to AGI automating human labor. One person can occupy 
many robots simultaneously. Multiple self-driving cars can be occupied by one 
person. Imagine wireless connections to the brain to the internet then over 
traditional network protocols for robotic control. This can be done while in a 
meditative state. AGI would be the main server that manages, monitors, error 
checks the traffic and thereby humans are not put totally out of work. We 
assist the main AGI server and it learns from us.

It would be projecting consciousness into devices instead of looking at 
monitors, speakers, mouses etc. our consciousness is projected, injected, 
distributed and AGI server is the multiplexor.

But wait, consciousness has absolutely nothing to do with AGI, is a distraction 
and is not measurable anyway so… would be a total waste of time right? AGI is 
only Algorithmic Information Theory and nothing else is allowed so totally out 
of scope!

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