Go Dawgs!

I played collision football for 9 seasons, probably 70 games and 3x
practices, at least concussions and kept playing.  One time the world
turned purple. It's amazing the amount of trauma the brain can take
and still work. There's a limit, though. College football is cracking
down on targeting, and it's a good thing.

On 3/22/20, A.T. Murray <mentific...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When I addressed the Board of Regents of the University of Washington on
> December 12, 2019 -- see
> https://www.washington.edu/regents/minutes/meeting-minutes-for-2019 -- I
> told them that I was protesting against Husky Football brain injuries
> because I had spent my adult life studying the human brain and working as
> an independent scholar in artificial intelligence (AI). The chairman of the
> Board of Regents was at first quite talkative, interrupting me once to
> state that he had graduated from our alma mater one year ahead of me, and
> interrupting again to admit that he, too, had served in the U.S. Army after
> graduation. But he made no further comments as I revealed that I was
> loading up the Guest Workstations downstairs in the library with my various
> AI programs that think in English and Latin and Russian, so that passers-by
> might see the Symbolic AI in action and stop to inspect the software. Those
> demos went on for a couple more months, until I made the mistake of
> commandeering all seven workstations in a cluster with my AI, and someone
> complained, and I was forbidden to load my software onto even a single
> workstation.
> The software is no good, anyway. It can think and reason with concepts, but
> just barely. My main justification for working further on thehopeless
> Symbolic AI project is that it gives me something to do in my twilight
> years, my Goetterdaemmerung, in the foolhardy hope that somebody smarter
> than me and more resourceful than me might take over a branch, a fork, of
> the open-source AI project and produce a better thinking Mind and a Truer
> AI than my feeble efforts have yielded. So therefore, Friends, Regents,
> Countrymen, Yours Truly took the step recently of adding a Live Traffic
> Report widget onto about eighty-eight AI webpages so as to see the various
> worldwide place from which Netizens were making not the pilgrimage but
> perhapsthe boredom-driven homage not to Catalonia but to Mentifex AI. And
> the results were astounding, Oh Force Majeure, Oh Avant Garde of the AGI
> Anabasis. A secondary page of the Life Traffic report was showing a
> Mercator Projection of the known world with little bombshells going off in
> real time when an eager AI aficionado landed on one of the 88 AI webpages.
> Many visits have been from Russia and from former Soviet Republics of the
> former USSR, since your AGI-nogoodnik has been posting his links in the
> gotai.net Russian-language AI forum.
> Assembled as we are on the most prestigious AGI Mail-List of cyberspace and
> noosphere coordinates, we contemplate Symbolic AI as based on words of
> natural language serving as symbols representing concepts. In our lousy, no
> good, almost worthless AI software that we hope to fob off onto the better
> minds and deeper pockets, a word coming into each AI Mind is either
> recognized as a known concept or not recognized and therefore treated as a
> New Concept.
> http://ai.neocities.org/OldConcept.html -- handles old concepts.
> http://ai.neocities.org/NewConcept.html -- creates new concepts.

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