So correct as you are.

 As  fractal logic is.

 One). One lizard mind can sense inputs and do outputs. There are many in one 
brain and there
needs to be coordination, so that two or more are not making a output to the 
same motor or voice box.

Two). A lizard mind has access to incoming data, vision, touch, audio. And 
output, motors and sound box.

 Seeing a balloon pop is on one data channel and sound is another. Left and 
right ear, left and right eye.

 This is 4 data track, of temporal data, coming into one lizard mind.

 So a clear distinction between lizard minds and data track must be made here 
by people reading this.

 There so much date coming in the One lizard must clone it self many times, 
helper clones, back up clones,
 avatar clones, and a judging clone. All these clone make up the sub conscious 

 The One lizard mind become a conscious mind and the helpers become sub 
conscious minds.
When the conscious mind leans to walk it is given over to the sub conscious 

 The conscious mind, clones minds, start and stops sub conscious minds. stops 
self activates sub
clones, learns new patterns, and coordinate sub mind to work together as a army 
of clones.


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