I think a lot of the benefit of ChatGPT is in more or less mundane
questions like "what is the difference between capacitive reactance
and resistance in general?"  Answer: "Capacitive reactance and
resistance are two distinct electrical quantities that are related to
the flow of electrical current in a circuit. Capacitive reactance is a
measure of the opposition to the flow of AC current in a capacitor,
while resistance is a measure of the opposition to the flow of both AC
and DC current in an electrical conductor."

You can, yes, get the answer using Google -- in a few minutes you'll
reach this conclusion. So, a lot of the use is not really for flashy
scenarios, but bread and butter information.

I also asked it if I had enough time to complete my manifesto in five
minutes as my bus was leaving. It said you don't have enough time! I
thought was very interesting in exhibiting common sense.

On 12/9/22, stefan.reich.maker.of.eye via AGI <agi@agi.topicbox.com> wrote:
> Another test - asking ChatGPT to do some math:
>> Math quiz 😄
>> Assume you make x% of profit on your equity (increase it once by x%).
>> Then you make another x% of profit on top of the new equity. (x is the
>> same number again.)
>> After that, you have gained a total profit of 1%.
>> How big is x?
> So, a simple calculation of compound interest basically, but with the twist
> of doing it in reverse.
> ChatGPT starts very promising on this - it even notices the question is
> about compound interest without me stating
> this. https://botcompany.de/images/1103193
> But it actually doesn't figure out the answer, even though all the formulas
> are going in the right direction and containing the right parts. The
> elements just aren't wired together
> properly. https://botcompany.de/images/1103194 
> https://botcompany.de/images/1103195
> Neither does ChatGPT understand the actual answer when I gave it to
> it. https://botcompany.de/images/1103196
> So... I would really, really, really not trust ChatGPT to do math for any
> mission-critical project. If it's just for fun... hell yeah, why not.

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