> but the interpreter for core MeTTa has to be written in something else
> and that is Rust (which we chose over C++ or Haskell for this purpose
> for fairly familiar reasons...)

We nearly chose C++ but went with Rust for reasons like greater
maintainability and greater ease of having the code more bug-free ...
and because down the road there is more prospect of having Rust code
formally verifiable than C++, and we'd like the infrastructure for the
first AGI to be formally verifiable

Haskell was my first thought but when one looks closely at what one
needs to do to make this sort of Haskell code extremely fast/scalable
it's not that pretty ... and from my work with Cardano smart contracts
in SingularityNET I'm aware of the difficulty of recruiting strong
Haskell devs ... (though we are now training a bunch in our Addis
Ababa office...)

-- ben

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