You have my word, I never lie, because I like real life over makeup, I like 
real skin over tattoos and piercings, I like innocent over smart girls, I like 
no tans, no cuts, real youth over makeup cover ups, real spit etc over lube, 
real hair over dyed hair, and so on:

Trust me, I have ate fries and nuggets with a root beer soda pop every day of 
my life since age 6. And I'm still alive and well at age 28 and 8 moths old. I 
eat since ~18 2 waffles in the morning every morning, with half a juice box. 
Sandwich at super. glass of milk and ~4 cookies after each meal. Used to eat 
half a chocolate cake for breakfast for some years at age 13-16 or so, I'm 116 
pounds now though. Only walk, I don't work at all every day. No sunlight, less 
damage for me. The more uneededly you eat the more that must pass blood vessels 
the more you will get clog to get heart attack. The 1% milk took me down from 
145 pounds in a few weeks all on its own. I added 3.5 walnuts and salted 
peanuts recently. And omega 3 pill daily. About 1.5 water bottles a day. Since 
~18 years old I switched to frozen fries. They are not actual fries, they have 
like 7x less oil, less burning, and thicker, actual potato inside, and so on. I 
lightly salt them. I pick off burnt parts of each my waffle, or post shredded 
wheat when get some down. So the burnt carcinogens of my fries don't matter too 
much, I get it off other places! Less cancer damage for me. Same for my 
nuggets, I pick some it off! I spit out fry ends too often, where are sharp and 
crispy looking or bubbled. I calculated all nutrients I eat to check I'm doing 
o-k. I watch my saturated fat. It checks out OK! Pick off bread ends. 3 slices. 
2 turkey slices. Tasty, but not too tasty. I mix Two Bite brand chocolate and 
vanilla cupcake bottoms if not having 4 digestive cookies by Christie brand 
BTW. Right now I like digestive and chocolate cupcake bottoms.

Ya lots of people don't like saying they wanna love forever, but of those type 
they all admit they want it through God, or at least want stuff in life. They 
want a good life, clearly, and want to get stuff done, clearly. 

At least experts and me are saying 2029 or even 2026 (as I think is plausible!) 
we get AGI.

GPT-4 is almsot human level
MusicLM but only if you see my reddit shows perfect text to music AI
Sora is text to video somewhat nearly solved.
DALL-E 3 is best and Ideogram 1.0 does better but ugly and poor quality oddly.
Figure made a coffee basically I posted this too on here.

It all topped up. Boost those any more and we are there. The only thing GPT-4 
can't do yet is make my game I ask it for. I test the AIs. None them pass the 
hardest of my tests. Soon though :) Maybe 2026 yes.
Artificial General Intelligence List: AGI
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