On Friday, April 05, 2024, at 12:21 AM, Alan Grimes wrote:
> So let me tell you about the venture I want to start. I would like to 
put together a lab / research venture to sprint to achieve machine 
consciousness. I think there is enough tech available these days that I 
think there's enough tech to try out my theory of consciousness. For the 
sake of completing the project, all discussion is prohibited. If you 
mention the Hard Problem, then you're off the project, no discussion! I 
want to actually do this, go ruminated hard problems for the next ten 
millinea, I don't care. You are allowed to argue with me but I have 
absolute authority to shut down any argument with prejudice.

The “Hard Problem of Consciousness” term is similar to “Conspiracy Theory” and 
is probably an unintentional psycholinguistic tool for memetic hegemony. That 
technique can be utilized… we need to take back the narrative from authorities 
since people are being led astray. Not by Chalmers who is relatively harmless 
in doing that but by other newly defined existentially democratic structural 
entities, moving from individual democratic autonomy to institutional 
democratic autonomy, i.e. the institution verses the individual in the newly 
defined control narrative.

Menlo Park VCs are connected to banks like the failed Silicon Valley Bank where 
the capital is setup to flow freely on insider agreements with the Federal 
Reserve. If you highlight your project with ESG, DEI, etc. you will get favored 
status and the money flow is relatively unlimited. Until more banks fail which 
is coming soon as there is a massive move towards bank centralization. Also, we 
are moving towards a war economy as the last vestiges of value in the currency 
are getting expended in defense of itself which makes one wonder if intelligent 
war machines have some value in having a consciousness.

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