On Friday, April 19, 2024, at 6:01 PM, Matt Mahoney wrote:
> So how does Moore's law work beyond that?

I think you need to understand Moore's Law isn't the only thing that exists in 
the universe. There's more to physics than just that.

Even though data has always been a thing, we didn't start putting it on 
computers until like around 1950. Things can start suddenly happening.

Look at GPT-3, that was suddenly an AI that can write some--what like a human - 
no it did make REALLY random giberish when shown my Hard Puzzle - but given an 
article, damn it some-times looked like a human might have wrote it. GPT-4 does 
a bit better, but you can still be sure a stupid person messed up my Hard 
Puzzle because it gets lots wrong if shown a big paragraph, at least.

AGI will be a massively incredible thing once made. It will bring us to a 
future that seems magical.

Do you think, Moore's Law will just carry on, and nothing will get faster when 
AGI is made?

I think not, things will pick up speed, due to AGI. Moore's Law is not the only 
thing happening here matey.

As I said before, AGI will be real fast, no need to sleep or eat or exercise 
like us, and more intelligent. They will clone much faster too.

I have not really worked out a theory of everything, so it's hard for me to say 
much for sure.
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