Let's give the symbolists their due:


The problem isn't that symbolists have nothing to offer, it's just that
they're offering it at the wrong level of abstraction.

Even in the extreme case of LLM's having "proven" that language modeling
needs no priors beyond the Transformer model and some hyperparameter
tweaking, there are language-specific priors acquired over the decades if
not centuries that are intractable to learn.

The most important, if not conspicuous, one is Richard Granger's discovery
that Chomsky's hierarchy elides the one grammar category that human
cognition seems to use.

On Sun, May 5, 2024 at 11:11 PM Rob Freeman <chaotic.langu...@gmail.com>

> On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 4:53 AM Matt Mahoney <mattmahone...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > ... OpenCog was a hodgepodge of a hand coded structured natural language
> parser, a toy neural vision system, and a hybrid fuzzy logic knowledge
> representation data structure that was supposed to integrate it all
> together but never did after years of effort. There was never any knowledge
> base or language learning algorithm.
> Good summary of the OpenCog system Matt.
> But there was a language learning algorithm. Actually there was more
> of a language learning algorithm in OpenCog than there is now in LLMs.
> That's been the problem with OpenCog. By contrast LLMs don't try to
> learn grammar. They just try to learn to predict words.
> Rather than the mistake being that they had no language learning
> algorithm, the mistake was OpenCog _did_ try to implement a language
> learning algorithm.
> By contrast the success, with LLMs, came to those who just tried to
> predict words. Using a kind of vector cross product across word
> embedding vectors, as it turns out.
> Trying to learn grammar was linguistic naivety. You could have seen it
> back then. Hardly anyone in the AI field has any experience with
> language, actually, that's the problem. Even now with LLMs. They're
> all linguistic naifs. A tragedy for wasted effort for OpenCog. Formal
> grammars for natural language are unlearnable. I was telling Linas
> that since 2011. I posted about it here numerous times. They spent a
> decade, and millions(?) trying to learn a formal grammar.
> Meanwhile vector language models which don't coalesce into formal
> grammars, swooped in and scooped the pool.
> That was NLP. But more broadly in OpenCog too, the problem seems to be
> that Ben is still convinced AI needs some kind of symbolic
> representation to build chaos on top of. A similar kind of error.
> I tried to convince Ben otherwise the last time he addressed the
> subject of semantic primitives in this AGI Discussion Forum session
> two years ago, here:
> March 18, 2022, 7AM-8:30AM Pacific time: Ben Goertzel leading
> discussion on semantic primitives
> https://singularitynet.zoom.us/rec/share/qwLpQuc_4UjESPQyHbNTg5TBo9_U7TSyZJ8vjzudHyNuF9O59pJzZhOYoH5ekhQV.2QxARBxV5DZxtqHQ?startTime=1647613120000
> Starting timestamp 1:24:48, Ben says, disarmingly:
> "For f'ing decades, which is ridiculous, it's been like, OK, I want to
> explore these chaotic dynamics and emergent strange attractors, but I
> want to explore them in a very fleshed out system, with a rich
> representational capability, interacting with a complex world, and
> then we still haven't gotten to that system ... Of course, an
> alternative approach could be taken as you've been attempting, of ...
> starting with the chaotic dynamics but in a simpler setting. ... But I
> think we have agreed over the decades that to get to human level AGI
> you need structure emerging from chaos. You need a system with complex
> chaotic dynamics, you need structured strange attractors there, you
> need the system's own pattern recognition to be recognizing the
> patterns in these structured strange attractors, and then you have
> that virtuous cycle."
> So he embraces the idea cognitive structure is going to be chaotic
> attractors, as he did when he wrote his "Chaotic Logic" book back in
> 1994. But he's still convinced the chaos needs to emerge on top of
> some kind of symbolic representation.
> I think there's a sunken cost fallacy at work. So much is invested in
> the paradigm of chaos appearing on top of a "rich" symbolic
> representation. He can't try anything else.
> As I understand it, Hyperon is a re-jig of the software for this
> symbol based "atom" network representation, to make it easier to
> spread the processing load over networks.
> As a network representation, the potential is there to merge insights
> of no formal symbolic representation which has worked for LLMs, with
> chaos on top which was Ben's earlier insight.
> I presented on that potential at a later AGI Discussion Forum session.
> But mysteriously the current devs failed to upload the recording for
> that session.
> > Maybe Hyperon will go better. But I suspect that LLMs on GPU clusters
> will make it irrelevant.
> Here I disagree with you. LLMs are at their own dead-end. What they
> got right was to abandon formal symbolic representation. They likely
> generate their own version of chaos, but they are unaware of it. They
> are still trapped in their own version of the "learning" idea. Any
> chaos generated is frozen and tangled in their enormous
> back-propagated networks. That's why they exhibit no structure,
> hallucinate, and their processing of novelty is limited to rough
> mapping to previous knowledge. The solution will require a different
> way of identifying chaotic attractors in networks of sequences.
> A Hyperon style network might be a better basis to make that advance.
> It would have to abandon the search for a symbolic representation.
> LLMs can show the way there. Make prediction not representation the
> focus. Just start with any old (sequential) tokens. But in contrast to
> LLMs, instead of back-prop to find groupings which predict, we can
> find groupings that predict in another way. Simple. It's mostly just
> abandoning back-prop, use another way to find (chaotic attractor)
> groupings which predict, on the fly.
> When that insight will happen, I don't know. We have company Extropic
> now, which are attempting to model distributions using heat noise.
> Heat noise instead of back-prop. Modelling predictive symmetries in a
> network using heat noise might lead them to it.
> Really, any kind of noise in a network might be used to find these
> predictive symmetry groups on the fly. Someone may stumble on it soon.
> When they do, that'll make GPU clusters irrelevant. Nvidia down. And
> no more talk of 7T investment in power generation needed. Mercifully!
> -Rob

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