
Now this is expressing opinion and engaging in a dialogue, kudos to you! ❤️

However, for someone who spent a life in the field of compression, you seem
to like the keys on your keyboard a lot! Allow me to demonstrate:

I would love to see a debate between Yann LeCun and Eliezer Yudkowsky. I
> don't agree with either, but both have important points.

Fuck LeCun, fuck Yudkowsky, I know better than both of them.

EY says we should take any existential risk seriously because even if the
> probability is small, the expected loss is still large. We can't predict
> (or control) AI because mutual prediction is impossible (by Wolpert's law)
> and otherwise we would be the smarter one. We are historically very bad at
> prediction. Nobody predicted the internet, social media, mobile phones, or
> population collapse in developed countries. The consistent trends have been
> economic growth, improved living conditions, life expectancy, and Moore's
> Law. If these hold, then it will be at least a century before we need to
> worry about being eaten by gray goo.

Some old men said some stuff several years ago, but these are laws, because
they made sense in my mind at the time.

I also agree with LeCun that the proposed California AI law is useless. The
> law would require AIs trained using over 10^26 floating point operations to
> be tested that they won't help develop weapons for terrorism, hacking, or
> fraud. But secrecy is not what is stopping people from building nuclear,
> biological, or chemical weapons. It's that the materials are hard to get.
> An AI that understands code could also be used to find zero day attacks,
> but hacking tools are double edged swords. Sys admins and developers have a
> legitimate need for hacking tools to test their own systems. When
> penetration tools are outlawed, only outlaws will have penetration tools.

The world is tougher than the toughest of men, i.e. Allaho Akbar!

The immediate threat is AI impersonating humans. China already requires AI
> generated images to be labeled as such. Meta AI, which is blocked in China,
> already does this voluntarily with a watermark in the corner. Also, about
> 20-30% of people believe that AI should have human rights, which is
> extremely dangerous because it could exploit human empathy for the benefit
> of its owners. It should be illegal to program an AI to claim to be human,
> to claim to be conscious or sentient, or claim to have feelings or emotions.

Chinese are currently the toughest civilization, aka. China o Akbar!

AI will profoundly change our lives. We will prefer AI to humans for
> services, because with humans you always have to wait and pay for their
> time. We will prefer AI to humans for friendship because AI is more
> entertaining, a constant stream of TikTok videos or propaganda or games or
> whatever you prefer. We will prefer AI to humans for relationships because
> sexbots are always ready when you are and never argue. We will live alone
> in smart homes that track who is home, what you are doing, and when you
> need help. Everything you want can be delivered by self driving carts. You
> will have your own private music genre and private jargon as AI adapts to
> you, and we lose our ability to communicate with other humans directly.

You are dogs, because you watch Netflix and order on Uber Eats.

When you train a dog with treats, does it matter who is controlling who?
> Everyone gets what they want. Before we are eaten by uncontrolled AI, we
> will be controlled by AI controlled by billionaires and everyone wins.
> Right?

Dogs are harassed, we are dogs, billionaires hold our leash.

Except for evolution, because the only groups still having children will be
> the groups that reject technology and don't give women options other than
> motherhood. Right now that's central Africa, places like Afghanistan and
> Gaza, and cultures like the Amish. Personally I believe in equal rights,
> but I will also die without descendants.

West is nice, everywhere else is underdeveloped.

Sorry for the crude lingo there, just wanted to let you know how I, a
fringe minority here, hear the messages you’re sending. Don’t mean any
disrespect, hope that’s clear by now.

Can you, in a few sentences, describe what your magnum opus is, and what’s
the great insight that everyone else is missing?

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