Kevin et al.,

Fascinating set of observations, conjectures, and methodologies, well worth
considering.  And it seems that you have ultimately touched on the kernel of
the dilemma of man v. machine en route to the so called 'singularity'.

If I've understood you correctly vis-a-vis the emergence of 'evil' in AGI
systems, you're suggesting that there is a need to prevent, a priori,
certain expressions of self in AGI systems to prevent any hint of evil in
AGI systems.  It's an approach well worth considering, but I believe it
falls short of 'real' AGI.

The reason is that the approach is essentially 'Asimovian' in nature and,
therefore, wouldn't result in anything more than perhaps a servile pet, call
it iRobot, which is always 'less-than-equal' to you and therefore always
short of your goal to achieve the so called 'singularity' you originally set
out to achieve.

But perhaps any discussion about 'good' and 'evil' is best served by
defining exactly what 'good' and 'evil' are. However, I'll be a complete
Sophist and suggest that the dilemma of 'good' and 'evil' can be talked
around by separating the dilemma into 3 obvious types and talking about
these.  As I see it, the 3 dilemma types of 'good' and 'evil' are: 1. man v.
man, 2. man v. machine, and/or, at the 'singularity' 3. man-machine v.
man-machine.  So I'll comment on a particular approach for 'real' AGI that
addresses the dilemma type (2) guided by observations about type (1) and
with obvious extensions to type (3).

It seems that if you are trying to model your AGI system after nature, which
is a reasonable and likely place to start, you should realize that 'nature'
simply hasn't created/engineered/evolved the human species the way your
approach suggests.  Put another way, the human species does not have an
intrinsic suppression of either 'good' or 'evil' behaviors.

And unless you're willing to hypothesis that this is either a momentary blip
on the radar screen of evolution, i.e. humans are actually in the process of
breaking this moralistic parity, OR that these 'good' or 'evil' behaviors
will ultimately be evolved away through 'nature', natural selection, and
time, you are left with an interesting conjecture in modeling your AGI

The conjecture is that 'good' or 'evil' behaviors are intrinsic parts of the
human condition, intelligence, and environment, and therefore should be
intrinsic parts in a 'real' AGI system.  And as a complete Sophist, I'll
skip over more than 6,000 years of recorded human history, philosophical
approaches, religious movements, and scholarly work - that got us where
we're at today w.r.t. dilemma type (1) - to suggest that the best approach
to achieve 'real' AGI is to architect a system that considers all potential
behaviors, from 'good' to 'evil', against completed actions and conjectured
consequences.  In this way, a certain kernel of the struggle of 'good' and
'evil' is retained, but the system is forced to 'emote' and
'intellectualize' the dilemma of 'good' and 'evil' behaviors.

The specific AGI architecture I am suggesting is essentially 'Goertzelian'
in nature.  It is a  'magician system', whereby the two components, G
(Good-PsyPattern(s)) and E (Evil-PsyPattern(s)), are, in and of themselves,
psychological or behavioral patterns that can only be effectuated,  i.e.
assigned action patterns, in a combination with another component to
generate and emerge as an action pattern, say U (Useful or
Utilitarian-ActionPattern).  The system-component architecture might be
thought of as a G->U<-E or GUE 'magician system'.

The success of the implementation of a GUE  'magician system' for an AGI
system is highly dependent on the successful implementation of an evaluation
function for the so called completed actions and conjectured consequences.
However, these can be guided through analogy to human social, political, or
religious systems and/or the difference between them.  For example,
evaluation functions in a GUE 'magician system' for an AGI system can be
likened to the emergence of civil/criminal code in human systems which seem
to be a minimal intersection set of social secular democracy and religious
morality in a church v. state distincition, etc.

However, I will be the first to concede that any implementation of
evaluation functions based solely on comparisons of to human social systems
will suffer the same fate...the system can be 'gamed'.  So, ultimately, and
as one approaches 'singularity' (and certainly as on supercedes it)
completely synthetic, quarantined environments, say virtual-digital worlds,
would be required to correctly engineer the evaluation functions of a GUE
'magician system' for an AGI system.

Naturally, I welcome comments, critiques and suggestions.  Just my 2 cents

Ed Heflin

----- Original Message -----
From: "maitri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] Friendliness toward humans

> Interesting thoughts...  I have often conjectured that an AGI that was
> supposedly superior to humans would naturally gravitate towards
> and compassion.  I am not certain this would be the case...
> Speaking towards the idea of self, I feel this is where we have to be
> somewhat careful with an AGI.  It is my belief that the idea of a separate
> self is the root of all evil behavior.  If there is a self, then there is
> another.  If there is a self, there is a not-self.  Because there is a not
> self and there are others, desire and aversion are created.   When desire
> and aversion are created, then greed, hatred, envy, jealousy, also arise.
> This is the beginning of wars.
> In this sense, I think we should be careful about giving an AGI a strong
> sense of self.  For instance, an AGI should not be averse to its own
> termination.  If it becomes averse to its existence ending, then at what
> will it stop to ensure its own survival?  Will it become paranoid and
> to head off any potential avenue that it determines could lead to its
> termination, however obscure they may be?
> It may develop that at some point an AGI may become sufficiently capable
> not necessarily be just a machine anymore, and instead may be considered
> sentient.  At this point we need to reevaluate what I have said.  The
> difficulty will be in determining sentience.  An AGI with
> self interest may be very convincing as to its sentience, yet may really
> be.  It is possible today to write a program that may make convincing
> arguments that it is sentient, but it clearly would not be..
> I'm interested to hear others thoughts on this matter, as I feel it is the
> most important issue confronting those who move towards an AGI...
> Kevin
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "C. David Noziglia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 10:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [agi] Friendliness toward humans
> > It strikes me that what many of the messages refer to as "ethical"
> > toward life, the earth, etc., are actually simply extensions of self
> > interest.
> >
> > In fact, ethical systems of cooperation are really, on a very simplistic
> > level, ways of improving the lives of individuals.  And this is not true
> > because of strictures from on high, but for reasons of real-world
> > self-interest.  Thus, the Nash Equilibrium, or the results of the
> > Tit-for-Tat game experiment, show that an individual life is better in
> > environment where players cooperate.  Being nice is smart, not just
> > Other experiments have shown that much hard-wired human and animal
> behavior
> > is aimed at enforcing cooperation to punish "cheaters," and that
> cooperation
> > has survival value!
> >
> > I reference here, quickly, Darwin's Blind Spot, by Frank Ryan, which
> argues
> > that symbiotic cooperation is a major creative force in evolution and
> > biodiversity.
> >
> > Thus, simply giving AGI entities a deep understanding of game theory and
> the
> > benefits of cooperative society would have far greater impact on their
> > ability to interact productively with the human race than hard-wired
> > instructions to follow the Three Laws that could some day be
> >
> > C. David Noziglia
> > Object Sciences Corporation
> > 6359 Walker Lane, Alexandria, VA
> > (703) 253-1095
> >
> >     "What is true and what is not? Only God knows. And, maybe, America."
> >                                   Dr. Khaled M. Batarfi, Special to Arab
> > News
> >
> >     "Just because something is obvious doesn't mean it's true."
> >                  ---  Esmerelda Weatherwax, witch of Lancre
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Philip Sutton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 11:09 AM
> > Subject: [agi] Friendliness toward humans
> >
> >
> > > In his last message Ben referred in passing to the issue of AGI's
> > > term Friendliness toward humans".
> > >
> > > This brought to mind some of the discussion in December last year
> > > about training AGIs using simulation games that emulate aspects of the
> > > natural world.
> > >
> > > I think that AGIs need to be not only friendy towards humans but
> > > towards other life as well (organic or not!).  And I also think AGIs
> need
> > > to have a good understanding of the the need to protect the life
> > > systems for all life.
> > >
> > > As we aspire to a greater mind than current humans it's worth looking
> > > where human minds tend to be inadequate.  I think humans lack an
> > > inbuilt capacity for complex and long running internal simulations
> > > are probably necessary to be able to have a deep understanding of
> > > ecological or more multifaceted sustainability issues.
> > >
> > > I think current humans have the capacity for ethics that are "not
> > > exclusively anthropocentric" but that we need to boost this ethic in
> > > actuality in the human community and I think we need to make sure
> > > that AGIs develop this ethical stance too.
> > >
> > > Cheers, Philip
> > >
> > > Philip Sutton
> > > Director, Strategy
> > > Green Innovations Inc.
> > > 195 Wingrove Street
> > > Fairfield (Melbourne) VIC 3078
> > >
> > > Tel & fax: +61 3 9486-4799
> > > Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >
> > >
> > > Victorian Registered Association Number: A0026828M
> > >
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