This is slightly off-topic but no more so than the rest of the thread...

> 1)  That it is selfishly pragmatic for a superintelligence to deal with
> humans economically rather than converting them to computronium.

For convenience, lets rephrase this 

"the majority of arbitrarily generated superintelligences would prefer
to convert everything in the solar system into computronium than deal
with humans within their laws and social norms."

This rephrasing might not be perfectly fair and I invite anyone to
adjust it to their taste and prefferances.

Now here is my question, it's going to sound silly but there is quite a
bit behind it: 

        "Of what use is computronium to a superintelligence?" 

This is not a troll or any other abuse of the members of the list. It is
no less serious or relevant than the assertion it addresses. 

I hope that many people on this list will answer this. I should warn you
about how I am going to treat those answers. Any answer in the negitive,
that the SI doesn't need vast quantities of computronium, will be
applauded. Any answer in the affirmative and which would fit in five
lines of text will be either wrong or so grossly incomplete as to be
utterly meaningless and unworthy of anything more than a tearse retort. 

Longer answers will be treated with much greater interest and will be
answered with far greater attention. My primary instrument in this will
be the question "Why?". The answers, I expect, will either spiral into
circular reasoning or to such a ludacrous absurdities as to be totally

The utility of this debate will be to show that the need for a Grand
Theory of Friendliness is not something that needs to be argued as far
simpler and perfectly obvious engineering constraints common to
absolutly all technologies will be totally sufficient asside from the
more complex implementation. 

I want this list to be useful to me and not have to skim through
hundreds of e-mails watching the rabbi drive conversation into useless
spirals as he works on the implementation details of the real problems.
Really, I'm getting dizzy from all of this. Lets start walking in a
streight line now. =( 

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