Yes, of course, the overlaps are the whole subtlety to the problem!  This is what's known as "probabilistic dependency" ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] A probabilistic/algorithmic puzzle...

Isn't this problem made more complex when we consider that things belong to various categories.
For instance, if we know that
-40% of americans are fat
-americans are "people"
-a person can be male or female
then we can make the initial guess that 40% of american males are fat, and 40% of american women are fat.
this seems to add alot of layers of complexity to the problem, which I'm sure you've already considered...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:25 PM
Subject: RE: [agi] A probabilistic/algorithmic puzzle...

OK... life lesson #567: When a mathematical explanation confuses non-math people, another mathematical explanation is not likely to help
The basic situation can be thought of as follows.
Suppose you have a large set of people, say, all the people on Earth
Then you have a bunch of categories you're interested in, say:
Then you have some absolute probabilities, e.g.
P(Chinese) = .2
P(fat) = .15
etc. , which tell you how likely a randomly chosen person is to fall into each of the categories
Then you have some conditional probabilities, e.g.
P(fat | skinny)=0
P(smelly|male) = .62
P(fat | American) = .4
P(slow|fat) = .7
The last one, for instance, tells you that if you know someone is American, then there's a .4 chance the person is fat (i.e. 40% of Americans are fat).
The problem at hand is, you're given some absolute and some conditional probabilities regarding the concepts at hand, and you want to infer a bunch of others.
In localized cases this is easy, for instance using probability theory one can get evidence for
from the combination of
P(fat | American)
Given n concepts there are n^2 conditional probabilities to look at.  The most interesting ones to find are the ones for which
P(A|B) is very different from P(B)
just as for instance
P(fat|American) is very different from P(fat)
This problem is covered by elementary probability theory.  Solving it in principle is no issue.  The tricky problem is solving it approximately, for a large number of concepts and probabilities, in a very rapid computational way.
Bayesian networks try to solve the problem by seeking a set of concepts that are arranged in an "independence hierarchy" (a directed acyclic graph with a concept at each node, so that each concept is independent of its parents conditional on its ancestors -- and no I don't feel like explaining that in nontechnical terms at the moment ;).   But this can leave out a lot of information because real conceptual networks may be grossly interdependent.  Of course, then one can try to learn a whole bunch of different Bayes nets and merge the probability estimates obtained from each one....
One thing that complicates the problem is that ,in some cases, as well as inferring probabilities one hasn't been given, one may want to make corrections to probabilities one HAS been given.  For instance, sometimes one may be given inconsistent information, and one has to choose which information to accept.
For example, if you're told
P(male) = .5
P(young|male) = .4
P(young) = .1
then something's gotta give, because the first two probabilities imply P(young) >= .5*.4 = .2
Novamente's probabilistic reasoning system handles this problem pretty well, but one thing we're struggling with now is keeping this "correction of errors in the premises" under control.  If you let the system revise its premises to correct errors (a necessity in an AGI context), then it can easily get carried away in cycles of revising premises based on conclusions, then revising conclusions based on the new premises, and so on in a chaotic trajectory leading to meaningless inferred probabilities.
As I said before, this is a very simple incarnation of a problem that takes a lot of other forms, more complex but posing the same essential challenge.
-- Ben G

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