> But anyway, using the weighted-averaging rule dynamically and iteratively
> can lead to problems in some cases.  Maybe the mechanism you suggest -- a
> nonlinear average of some sort -- would have better behavior, I'll think
> about it.

The part of the idea that guaranteed an eventual equilibrium was to add decay to the 
variables that can trigger internal probability adjustments(in my case, what I called 
them "truth").  Eventually the system will stop self-modifying when the energy(truth) 
runs out.  The only way to add more truth to the system would be to acquire new 
information via adding goal nodes for that purpose.  You could say that the internal 
conistency checker "feeds on" the truth energy introduced into the system by the 
completion of data-acquisition goals(which are capable of incrementing truth values).

This should guarantee the prevention of  infinite self-modification loops.


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