Hi Pei / Colin,

> Pei: This is the conclusion that I have been most afraid of from this
> "Friendly AI" discussion. Yes, AGI can be very dangerous, and I don't
> think any of the solutions proposed so far can eliminate the danger
> completely. However I don't think this is a valid reason to slow down
> the research.

Wow!  This is an interesting statement.  "yes, new development X could be very dangerous, but since we can't get 100% certainty of safety, we should press ahead with an implementation that is very significantly less than 100% guaranteed safe because we might need this technology to ensure that we are safe!  And we can't afford to slow down the development of this technology X even if the purpose is to make technology X safer"

So far, noone on this list has suggested stopping AGI research or development.  What has been suggested is that, if it is necessary to free resources to work on the means to make AGIs safe/friendly, then the work on building the basic AGI mentation architecture should be slowed to free those resources and to allow the work on friendliness implementation to catch up.

No-one on the list has suggested any reason for all the haste.  Why is the haste important or necessary?

You might like to compare the AGI development issue to the Manhattan Project.  There was an argument that having the A-bomb, while dangerous, was going to be a net benefit - in terms of ensuring that the Germans didn't get it first and then later in terms of bringing the Pacific war to a faster close.

But safety was always a consideration.  Firstly at the obvious level that the bomb had to be safe enough for the US to handle and deliver.  It was all pretty pointless building a bomb that was likely to blow up before it left the US!  Secondly Openheimer was concerned that setting off an A-bomb could cause a run-away fire in the atmosphere - I've forgotten what he and others thought might combust (I guess it was oxygen and nitrogen).  If such a run-away conflagration could be triggered then there was clearly no point in having the bomb since it would kill everyone.  But the crucial point was that this issue of run- away conflagration was (a) identified as a legitimate concern, (b) it was investigated, and (c) the bomb was not used until the issue had been shown to not be a problem.

> Pei: I don't think any of the solutions proposed so far can eliminate
> the danger completely

Maybe so, but reducing it at least somewhat seems to me to be worth the effort.

> Pei: So my position is: let's go ahead, but carefully.

So far at least, that's my own position too.  But what do you mean by being careful if it doesn't include using multiple strategies to try to significantly improve the odds that AGIs will be safe and friendly?

You said:

> Pei: (2) Don't have AGI developed in time may be even more dangerous.
> We may encounter a situation where AGI is the only hope for the
> survival of the human species.  I haven't seen a proof that AGI is
> more likely to be evil than otherwise. 

I haven't seen the case for why we actually are urgently and critically dependent on having AGIs to solve humans big problems.  (Safe & friendly AGIs could be useful in lots of areas but that's totally different from being something that we cannot survive without.)

I personally think humans as a society are capable of saving themselves from their own individual and collective stupidity.  I've worked explicitly on this issue for 30 years and still retain some optimism on the subject.

> Colin: I'm with Pei Wang. Let's explore and deal with it.

OK, if you're with Pei, what exactly is the position that you are not with? 

Cheers, Philip

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