hey Peter -- thanks! really interesting stuff... There is a lot to respond
to in your fascinating attached spreadsheet, , and I'm heading off for the
weekend so a full and deep response will probably have to wait till next
week.  But I'm quite impressed with how far you've proceeded in this
direction, at very least in terms of defining a meaningful series of tasks

-- Ben

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Peter Voss
> Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 2:42 PM
> Subject: RE: [agi] Educating an AI in a simulated world
> Hi Ben,
> For the past few months our project's focus has shifted to
> exactly that. Now
> that we have our basic framework and algorithms working, most of
> our effort
> goes into defining, setting up, and implementing various tasks in
> a (mainly)
> simulated environment. Our AGI engine interacts with the virtual world,
> learning stuff as it goes along. (It can also interact directly with the
> real world, or do both simultaneously.)
> Experience with this type of interactive learning to a large extend now
> drives our AGI's cognitive development.
> It is quite difficult coming up with a series of ever harder
> tasks that are
> in the correct sequence, are not too redundant, nor rely too much on
> hard-coded/ instinctual abilities.
> We've ended up with a set of test/tasks inspired by animal
> cognition/intelligence studies, Piagetian infant developmental stages, and
> of course, our own theoretical model of intelligence. Obviously, actually
> running the tests tells us a lot more about what to change or focus on.
> We see our project using mainly this approach to drive up levels of AGI.
> I'd be interested to hear your ideas. Attached is an internal document
> (cryptically) listing some current and near-term tasks framed in terms of
> dog-like abilites (call me AIGO).
> Peter
> -----Original Message----- Ben Goertzel
> ... One of the things I've been thinking about lately is the potential use
> of our (in development) Novamente AI system to control the behavior of an
> agent in a simulated world -- say, a very richly and effectively
> constructed
> massively multiplayer video game, or even a more futuristic VR-based
> simulation game....
> .... I have developed some ideas about such an educational
> program, but I'd
> like to hear others' thoughts on this and related topics, if anyone should
> have any...
> -------
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