On 5/7/06, Gary Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My opinion on the most probable route to a true AI Entity is:
1. Build a better fuzzy pattern representation language with an inference mechanism for extracting inducible information from user inputs.  Fuzziness allows the
   language to understand utterances with misspellings words run together etc...
2. Build a bot based on said language
3. Build a large knowledgebase which captures a large enough percentage of real world knowledge to allow the bot learn from natural language data sources i.e. the web.
4. Build a pattern generator which allows the bot learn the information it has read and build new patterns itself to represent the knowledge. 
5. Build a reasoning module based on Bayesian logic to allow simple reasoning to be conducted.
6. Build a conflict resolution module to allow the Bot to resolve/correct conflicting information or ask for help with clarification to build correct mental model.
7. Build a goal and planning module which allow the Bot to operate more autonomously to aid in the goals which we give it i.e.. achieve singularity.

I'm afraid you'll end up with a virtual poet with this approach !
It will result in a narrow AI, or a vastly inflated expert system, not a true AGI. People have already done this mistake earlier, why repeat it?


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