I couldn't easily find a new copy of this book at Amazon or other
bookstores, but I was able to order it directly from the publisher
(total cost $40.45) at:


If anyone knows of a better source for this book, please post it.
Also, any other recommended reading relating to this topic would be

On 5/25/06, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Relatedly, I just asked Douglas Hofstadter if he knew of any formal
work on superrationality, and he pointed out the book

"Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation:
Prisoner's Dilemma and Newcomb's Problem", edited by Richmond
Campbell and Lanning Sowden (University of British Columbia Press,

but said he wasn't sure if there was anything fitting the bill in
there or not....  I'll check it out and see.

-- Ben

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