The theoretical presumption here is that once you've solve the problem
of recognizing moderately complex patterns in perceptual data streams,
then you're essentially done with the AGI problem and the rest is just
some wrappers placed around your perception code.  I don't think
so....  I think they are building a nice perceptual pattern
recognition module, and waving their hands around arguing that it
actually is just an exemplar for an approach that can be more general.

Some parts of the article definitely overemphasize the potential for
perceptual pattern recognition to account for a large number of
cognitive processes.  But I think that, ultimately, Hawkins et al
probably agree with your characterization of perception.  For
instance, they spend some time discussing the need to hook up an
external episodic memory module in order to get more powerful
behavior.  So surely, from an AGI perspective, they believe that HTM
would be just one (albeit important) element in a more complex system.


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