> I don't want to give a formal definition in the context of this email
> discussion...
> The informal notion is "a piece of procedural knowledge is something
> that  can directly be used to generate a series of actions".
> Here "directly" should be interpreted to mean "with low computational cost."
> The actions may be motor actions, cognitive actions, or whatever.
> [...]
> Motor knowledge is one kind of procedural knowledge
> Another kind, for instance, is how to control an inference trajectory
> carried out by a logical reasoning module, to effectively produce
> correct conclusions in a given context
> [...]
> The problem is that in practice the task of turning this declarative
> knowledge into actions can be too computationally expensive.  (And I'm
> talking about algorithmic cost here, of course, not just
> programming-language or OS-related overhead.)
> In Novamente we have a process called "predicate schematization" whose
> purpose is to take **knowledge about procedure** that is expressed in
> logical, declarative form, and turn it into **procedural knowledge**
> that is expressed in the form of executable Combo programs.
> Predicate schematization is sometimes very fast, but sometimes is more
> complex and may require tricky inferences.
> [...]
> "Eggs should be boiled for eating" is an example of a case where
> predicate schematization may effectively be performed on the fly...
> On the other hand, addition is an example of a case where predicate
> schematization needs to be done once and for all, resulting in an
> "add" procedure being pre-compiled and ready for execution.
> Only amateur human adders need to use logical reasoning to add.  The
> rest of us use an algorithm that was produced during a learning period
> and is now well-reified and can be applied without any logical
> reasoning.  You can see small children go through this transition when
> they learn to add.
> In the actual software structure, nodes are identified by Handle
> objects, and if there is a Procedure object associated with a node,
> the Procedure is stored in a ProcedureRepository table indexed by the
> node's Handle.
> > This destroys the nice uniformity of the KR.
> Yes, it decreases the uniformity of the KR, but with the benefit of
> producing a system that functions with reasonable efficiency...
> As I said before, Novamente has processes that convert back and forth between
> -- executable Procedures expressible in the Combo programming language
> -- declarative knowledge represented by semantic nodes and links
> So, Novamente can reason about adding, but can also carry out addition
> efficiently via execution of "compiled" Procedures rather than having
> to carry out actions directly based on logical, declarative knowledge.
> [...]
> a) Your example is very search-oriented, which does not reflect
> typical cases.  Usually the knowledge of how to carry out a given
> action is not explicitly stored in the knowledge base so that some
> context-specific reasoning needs to be done for plan generation.
> b) When a stereotyped form of action is carried out many times, it can
> effectively be abstracted into a compiled Procedure, thus enabling it
> to be encapbulated into a single ProcedureNode and more efficiently
> accessed and executed when appropriate.  Addition, to take your
> example above, is an excellent example of this.
> There is no "cheating" because the Procedures are **learned**.
> "Cheating" in the sense of AGI teaching has to do with things like
> a) whether the relevant knowledge is human-encoded versus learned, and
> b) whether the learning process is "naturalistic" or too narrowly
> focused on providing data helpful for learning a single sort of
> behavior.
> There is no KR which is a "cheat" if the actual knowledge is filled
> into it via experiential learning.
> The fact that I carry out the addition process via a stored
> (previously learned procedure rather than via declarative inference
> does NOT mean that my brain "cheats" and fails to display suitable
> general intelligence -- it just means that I'm not an idiot ;-)
Thanks for the detailed reply.  I saw your .PPT too, but I don't exactly follow the "predicate schematization" slide.  It seems that you're trying to manage what psychologists call "fixed-action patterns", to codify them and make them execute faster.  No problem with that.  But I agree with Charles Hixson that we should focus on the fundamentals first and optimization later.
Another problem is that very often a response depends on the context.  For example, when the room is dark and we want to read a book, we usually switch on the light.  But there are other less common alternatives:
1. light the candle
2. use the torch
3. switch on the TV
4. set a fire
5. use a mirror to reflect moonlight
6. read Braille
etc etc
All these requires searching the state-space using all available declarative knowledge, which is the essense of general intelligence.
Also, how do you retain flexibility if you compile action patterns into procedures?

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