>  (From a former Soar researcher)
> [...]
> Generally, the bottom-up pattern based systems do better at noisy pattern recognition problems (perception problems like recognizing letters in scanned OCR text or building complex perception-action graphs where the decisions are largely probabilistic like playing backgammon or assigning labels to chemical molecules).  Top-down reasoning systems like Soar generally do better at higher level reasoning problems.  Selecting the correct formation and movements for a squad of troops when clearing a building, or receiving English instructions from a human operator to guide a robot through a burning building.
> [...]
> Doug
From what I read, Soar also deals with (or has provisos to deal with) sensory processing, otherwise it wouldn't be the "unified cognitive architecture" as Allen Newell has intended it to be.
The difference in emphasis between Novamente on perceptual learning and Soar on top-down reasoning, may be real but ideally it should not be accepted prima facie .  IMO these 2 emphases should be integrated seamlessly.

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