Stephen Reed wrote:
I would appreciate comments regarding additional
constraints, if any, that should be applied to a
traditional open source license to achieve a free but
safe widespread distribution of software that may lead
to AGI.
My personal opinion is that the best license is the GPL. Either version 2 or 3...currently I can't choose between them (partially because version 3 is still being written).

Note that may large GPL projects are quite successful. Consider, e.g., gcc. The claim that because anyone CAN change the code, anyone WILL change the code is probably fallacious. Most of those who try find that their changes are less than good. Usually those who decide to create a fork find themselves being left behind by the pace of development. So generally everyone sticks with the main tree...and perhaps submits changes that they think desirable into the project. Occasionally a fork will be successful. (X Window is no longer being developed from the XFree86 tree, e.g.) But since the license is GPL, this doesn't make any difference.

How do you keep the bad guys from using it? You keep on developing. Those who fork tend to fall behind, unless they get community support.

Now I'll admit that this is an idealized picture of the development process, but the outline is correct. Keeping a project going takes a good who can "herd cats". It requires inspiring a degree of faith and trust in people who will be working without being paid. This means you've got to inspire them as well as get them to trust you. And you've got to articulate a vision of where the project should be headed next, roadmap is the common term, without stifling creativity.

P.S.: Note that gcc has several "chunks". Each language has a largely separate implementation, but each needs to generate the same kind of intermediate representation. This allows several essentially independent teams to each work separately. As to just *how* independent... consider the gdc compiler ( ). This project is prevented by licensing constraints from having ANY direct connection to the rest of gcc. Yet it can still be integrated into gcc by an end user.

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