
I did read your stuff on Lojban++, and it's the sort of language I'm talking about. This kind of language lets the computer and the user meet halfway. The computer can parse the language like any other computer language, but the terms and constructions are designed for talking about objects and events in the real world -- rather than for compilation into procedural machine code.

Which brings up a question -- is it better to use a language based on term or predicate logic, or one that imitates (is isomorphic to) natural languages? A formal language imitating a natural language would have the same kinds of structures that almost all natural languages have: nouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, etc. There must be a reason natural languages almost always follow the pattern of something carrying out some action, in some way, and if transitive, to or on something else. On the other hand, a logical language allows direct translation into formal logic, which can be used to derive all sorts of implications (not sure of the terminology here) mechanically.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ben Goertzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 12:24 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] Natural versus formal AI interface languages

John --



-- Ben G

On 10/31/06, John Scanlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One of the major obstacles to real AI is the belief that knowledge of a
natural language is necessary for intelligence. A human-level intelligent system should be expected to have the ability to learn a natural language, but it is not necessary. It is better to start with a formal language, with unambiguous formal syntax, as the primary interface between human beings and
AI systems.  This type of language could be called a "para-natural
formal language." It eliminates all of the syntactical ambiguity that makes
competent use of a natural language so difficult to implement in an AI
system.  Such a language would also be a member of the class "fifth
generation computer language."
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