Thats a totally different problem, and considering the massive knowledge whole currently about how the human brain works, we would have some major problems in that area, though it is interesting.

  One other problem there, what about two way communications?  You are proposing to have the brain talk to the AGI and the AGI to the brain correct?  You would need to put some pretty strict measures as to exactly what and where those communications would go because there is already some proven projects where they have the computer circuits activating human parts such as arms or legs.   But if you turn a full AGI loose in someones brain, there is no guarentee of friendliness, but there is a possibility it could grow in ability to tap into all other areas of the body, physically and mentally, and that would be really bad.

Interesting research on brain interactions though:

The last one here is about a great project that actually imbeds a circuit in a monkeys brain, then they go through a number of experiments, including playing a video game for rewards.
About two minutes into one session the female monkey just stops moving the joystick in her hand, and keeps playing the game with her mind alone, she had noticed that she didnt need to use the joystick, just think about it.

This is what I want now for typing papers and programming, and could also be used possibly as a teaching tool for AI, just start thinking all the information you know into the computer.
  Basically this should work very similarly, by thinking about typing, your brain could send the 'letters' to the computer instantly, just about as fast as you could think them.   It will be intersting to see how accurate and how fast that would actually be, and if you could then transfer that upwards into words instead of just letters.

James Ratcliff

Gregory Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Perhaps there is a shortcut to all of this.

Provide the AGI with the hardware and software to jack into one or more human
brains and let the bio-software of the human brain be the language interface development tool.

I think we are creating  some of this the hardware.

This also puts AGI in a position to become reliant on humans to interface with other  humans and perhaps also allows an AGI to learn the virtues of carbon technology and the value of
continuing relationships with humans.

Some of the drivers that bring humans together  such as social relations and sexual relations perhaps can be learned by an AGI and  perhaps we can pussywhip
an antisocial AGI into a friendly AGI.

Remember the KISS rule , sometimes you can focus only on key areas with
enormous complexity and later discover that the result is far more simple than
originally envisioned.


On 10/31/06, John Scanlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One of the major obstacles to real AI is the belief that knowledge of a natural language is necessary for intelligence.  A human-level intelligent system should be expected to have the ability to learn a natural language, but it is not necessary.  It is better to start with a formal language, with unambiguous formal syntax, as the primary interface between human beings and AI systems.  This type of language could be called a "para-natural formal language."  It eliminates all of the syntactical ambiguity that makes competent use of a natural language so difficult to implement in an AI system.  Such a language would also be a member of the class "fifth generation computer language."

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James Ratcliff

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