Bah! I hate it when I rush and get stupid. This is why I'm not a politician (and why I think the Republican tirade/crusade against "flip-flopping" is so damaging/dangerous). But, it does serve to illustrate a number of useful points so I'll just go with it . . . .

I'm writing this e-mail without any additional external information than I had last night (though I expect to shortly be reading *several* e-mails from the list telling me what an idiot I am :-). However, my subconscious knowledge-retrieval processes have finally seen fit to provide me with a number of "You know . . . . "s. I think that observations of this type are very important to make when considering building an AI. Not all observations will be compiled into knowledge and not all knowledge will be immediately accessible to a system even if the system has what it needs to retrieve/derive the knowledge. Designs that assume total knowledge integrity and retrieval are exactly as bad as designs that assume infinite processing power and memory.

Clearly, Philip is referring to the analogies questions of the SAT (not the synonym questions that I got stuck on last night). Clearly, vectors have direction in addition to distance. And, clearly, Philip is referring to the fact that the directions/vectors that the system generates are not in human-readable form . . . . (though I would argue that they are easily human-comprehensible if you write a translator).

<I'm tempted to make a digression into how much common knowledge/world-modeling we assume/rely upon -- knowledge that my brain was not coming up with last night and replacing with a poor substitute instead>

So let me extend and refine my stupid answer (because the core *is* still fundamentally correct) . . . .

Training SVDs on a given corpus produces a database that is always fundamentally isomorphic to pairs of word-pairs and their similarity distances (normally expressed as the number and frequency of dimensions/common-usages they have in common) through a very simple algorithm that compares how they are used in sentences. There are, of course, also various representations that appear more vector-like but the fundamental isomorphism remains.

With the simplest SVD algorithms and most obvious cases, these directions can often be easily translated into human terms. For example, hat/head and hands/gloves both have dimensionalities of wore and wear. (Note, however, that if you wrote the SAT test specifically to confuse this type of system without messing with humans, you could have examples like yarmulke/temple (dimensions wear-in and wear-to) include possibly system-acceptable answers like hole/sock to distract from tuxedo/dance).

With many SVD systems, however, the representation is more vector-like and *not* conducive to easy translation to human terms. I have two answers to these cases. Answer 1 is that it is still easy for a human to look at the closest matches to a particular word pair and figure out what they have in common. Answer 2 is that I still contend that this is a major design flaw (which can also be rectified by taking the time to write a translator). You really, really, *really* don't want to create an intelligence that may be both smarter/faster than you and seriously flawed -- and statistical knowledge is very, very shallow; very prone to certain types of error; and *not* particularly conducive to being built upon (unless, of course, you use it merely as a subsystem and you're packing up it's results and sending them to an entirely different type of system). You clearly do *not* want a system of this type at the core of your AI's reasoning processes -- particularly since, I contend, this type of system is frequently (and in some classes of systems which are well behaved, always) isomorphic to a system that *is* easily human-comprehensible. (Note that neural networks, in particular, are a class of system that are *not* well behaved because the internal data structures formed by the neural network algorithms that we know most frequently do not correspond to the real-world simplest explanation unless you get really, really lucky in choosing your number of nodes and your connections. Nature has clearly found a way around this problem but we do not know this solution yet.)

       Mark (going off to be plastered by replies to last night's message)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Waser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] A question on the symbol-system hypothesis

Yes, it was insulting.  I am sorry.  However, I don't think this
conversation is going anywhere.  There are many, many examples just of
the use of SVD and PCI that I think meet your criteria.  The one I
mentioned earlier, to you, that uses SVD on word-pair similarities,
and scores at human-level on the SAT, is an example.  There are
thousands of examples.

Hmmm. We're definitely in very different realms and are currently talking past each other. I guess that I'm having trouble seeing how you would think that SVD is at all human-incomprehensible. Training SVD on a given corpus produces a set of word pairs and their similarity distances through a very simple algorithm. SVD taking the SAT simply involves four or five database lookups (assuming that there are four or five answers) for each question and taking the answer with the smallest distance. What is incomprehensible about that? Why *can't* I debug a wrong answer (assuming that I have access to the training corpus)?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Philip Goetz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] A question on the symbol-system hypothesis

On 11/29/06, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you look into the literature of the past 20 years, you will easily
> find several thousand examples.

I'm sorry but either you didn't understand my point or you don't know what you are talking about (and the constant terseness of your replies gives me absolutely no traction on assisting you). If you would provide just one example and state why you believe it refutes my point, then you'll give me something to answer -- as it is, you're making a meaningless assertion of no value that I can't even begin to respond to (not to mention the point that contending/assuming that I've overlooked several thousand examples is pretty

Yes, it was insulting.  I am sorry.  However, I don't think this
conversation is going anywhere.  There are many, many examples just of
the use of SVD and PCI that I think meet your criteria.  The one I
mentioned earlier, to you, that uses SVD on word-pair similarities,
and scores at human-level on the SAT, is an example.  There are
thousands of examples.

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