On 12/2/06, Mark Waser wrote:

My contention is that the pattern that it found was simply not translated
into terms you could understand and/or explained.

Further, and more importantly, the pattern matcher *doesn't* understand it's
results either and certainly could build upon them -- thus, it *fails* the
test as far as being the central component of an RSIAI or being able to
provide evidence as to the required behavior of such.

Mark, I think you are making two very basic wrong assumptions.

1) That humans are able to understand everything if it is explained to
them simply enough and they are given unlimited time.

2) That it is even possible to explain some very complex ideas in a
simple enough fashion.

Consider teaching the sub-normal. After much repetition they can be
trained to do simple tasks. Not understanding 'why', but they can
remember instructions eventually. Even high IQ humans have the same
equipment, just a bit better. They still have limits to how much they
can remember, how much information they can hold in their heads and
access. If you can't remember all the factors at once, then you can't
understand the result. You can write down the steps, all the different
data that affect the result, but you can't assemble it in your brain
to get a result.

And I think the chess or Go examples are a good example. People who
think that they can look through the game records and understand why
they lost are just not trained chess or go players. They have a good
reason to call some people 'Go masters' or 'chess masters'. I used to
play competitive chess and I can assure you that when our top board
player consistently beat us lesser mortals we could rarely point at
move 23 and say 'we shouldn't have done that'. It is *far* more subtle
than that. If you think you can do that, then you just don't
understand the problem.


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