Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Philip Goetz wrote:
> On 11/17/06, Richard Loosemore  wrote:
>> I was saying that *because* (for independent reasons) these people's
>> usage of terms like "intelligence" is so disconnected from commonsense
>> usage (they idealize so extremely that the sense of the word no longer
>> bears a reasonable connection to the original) *therefore* the situation
>> is akin to the one that obtains for Model Theory or Rings.
>> I am saying that these folks are trying to have their cake and eat it
>> too:  they idealize "intelligence" into something so disconnected from
>> the real world usage that, really, they ought not to use the term, but
>> should instead invent another one like "ooblifience" to describe the
>> thing they are proving theorems about.
>> But then, having so distorted the meaning of the term, they go back and
>> start talking about the conclusions they derived from their math as if
>> those conclusions applied to the real world thing that in commonsense
>> parlance we call "intelligence".  At that point they are doing what I
>> claimed a Model Theorist would be doing if she started talking about a
>> kid's model airplane as if Model Theory applied to it.
> This is exactly what John Searle does with the term "consciousness".

Buzz-Word alert :}
Define these words to what you mean, and then go on, either the AI matches or 
can match the definition or it cant, but just saying these words doesnt get 
anywhere other than arguing their meaning... 

One good one: 
Consciousness is a quality of the mind generally regarded to comprise qualities 
such as subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience, sapience, and the ability to 
perceive the relationship between oneself and one's environment.  (Block 2004).

Compressed: Consciousness = intelligence + autonomy

Intelligence and Consciousness are both directly tied together. 
Though it may be possible to develop machine intelligence (re google or qustion 
answering / expert systems) that do not have autonomy, ie only respond when 
asked a question.


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