I think all these are excellent suggestions.

On 13/01/07, Joel Pitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Some comments/suggestions:

* I think such a project should make the data public domain. Ignore
silly ideas like giving be "shares" in the knowledge or whatever. It
just complicates things. If the project is really strapped for cash
later, then either use ad revenue or look for research funding
(although I don't see much cost except for initial development of the
system and web hosting).

* Whenever people want to add a new statement, have them evaluate two
existing statements as well. Don't make the evaluation true/false, use
a slider so the user can decide how "true" it is (even better, have a
xy chart with one axis true/false and the other how sure the user is -
this would be useful in the case of some obscure fact on quantum
physics since not all of us have the answer).

* Emphasize the community aspect of the database. Allow people to have
profiles and list the number of statements evaluated and submitted
(also how true the statements they submit are judged). Allow people to
form teams. Allow teams to extract a subset of the data
which represents only the facts they've submitted and evaluated
(perhaps this could be an extra feature available to sponsors?)

* Although Lojban would be great to use, not many people are
proficient it (relative to english), we could be idealistic and
suggest that everyone learn lojban before submitting statements, but
that would just shrink the user base and kill the community aspect. An
alternative might be to allow statements in both languages to
submitted (Hell, why not allow ANY language as long as it is tagged
with what language it is).

* An idea for keeping the community alive would be to focus on a
particular topic each week, and run competitions between
teams/individuals and award stars to their profile or something.

* Instead of making people come up with brand new statements
everytime, have a mode where the system randomly selects phrases from
somewhere like wikipedia (some times this will produce stupid
statements, and allow the user to indicate as such).

I think it could be done and made quite fun. Don't just focus on the
AI guys, most of us don't have that much spare time. Focus at the
"bored at work" market.

Actually going through and thinking about this has made me quite
enthused about it. Keep me posted on how it pans out. If I didn't have
10 other projects and my PhD to do I'd volunteer to code it.


"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you
will never grow." -C.R. Lawton

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